Has anyone noticed the timeclock is off the last 2 days?

tia travels's Avatar
In my ECCIE options, I have my clock set for Eastern Time. When I'm on the road and in a different time zone, I change my computer settings accordingly and leave the ECCIE clock alone. It was working fine the other day, and then 2 days ago I noticed that the ECCIE clock is now showing 1 time zone to the RIGHT of Eastern. I'm in Baton Rouge today...my computer clock is set for Central, so my computer clock shows 11:37pm. Eccie's clock is showing 1:37am. It "should" be showing 12:37am according to how I have it set up in my options.

Is it "off" for anyone else?
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 12-11-2011, 11:09 PM
When I checked it just now it is showing the correct time for me. 12:09 AM. I am in the Central Time Zone.
tia travels's Avatar
Well mine is still 2 hours different and it should only be one. Do you have any ideas why it's off? Does Eccie time run always display a certain time zone no matter what you may have it set for in your options? If not, it certainly is not showing Eastern like I have it set to.
Tia, you're on the road soo much the clock can't keep up! I'm in CST and mine's right.
tia travels's Avatar
Okay, I just tested it out. I changed my ECCIE clock to read PACIFIC time and it did it correctly. I changed it again to read EASTERN and it is OFF still by 1 hour ahead of Eastern. I tried CENTRAL and it was correct. I changed it BACK to Eastern and it is still wrong. For some reason, it just is NOT displaying Eastern correctly anymore.

Wasssssssssssssup with that?