The real insurrection

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The corrupt FBI offered Christopher Steele $1 million to corroborate Trump allegations in dossier in order to undermine Trump

The FBI offered ex-British intelligence agent Christopher Steele $1 million to corroborate salacious allegations made in his dossier against former President Donald Trump and members of his 2016 campaign, but he was unable to do so, an FBI official testified Tuesday.

FBI supervisory counterintelligence analyst Brian Auten was the first witness in the trial of Igor Danchenko, the Russian national who served as the primary sub-source for Steele's anti-Trump dossier and has been charged with five counts of making false statements to the bureau.

Auten testified that he and a group of FBI agents went overseas in early October 2021 to speak with Steele about the dossier. During questioning by Special Counsel John Durham on Tuesday, Auten said that during those meetings the FBI offered Steele $1 million if he could corroborate allegations in the dossier. Auten testified that Steele could not do so

Auten also said that the FBI had no corroboration of allegations in the dossier but nevertheless took that information and inserted it into the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to surveil former Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

"On October 21, 2016 [the date of the Carter Page FISA application], did you have any information to corroborate that information?" Durham asked.

"No," Auten said, confirming that the FBI began receiving Steele’s reports, later known as the dossier, on Sept. 19, 2016, and submitted its first FISA application on Page on Oct. 21, 2016.

Sept. 19, 2016, was also the day that then-Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann brought white papers to a meeting at FBI headquarters with then-FBI General Counsel James Baker that alleged the Trump Organization was using a secret back channel to communicate with Kremlin-linked Alfa Bank in the weeks leading up to the presidential election.
Meanwhile, Auten also said the FBI reached out to other intelligence agencies to see if they could corroborate information relating to dossier, which was commissioned by opposition research firm Fusion GPS and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee through law firm Perkins Coie.

Auten repeatedly admitted under questioning from Durham that the FBI never received corroboration of the information in the Steele dossier, but he stressed that it was used in the initial FISA application and in the three subsequent renewals.


If the United States federal government were to pay one MILLION dollars to a British spy to upset an American presidential election, would that be a crime? If so, what crime would it be? Insurrection, treason, obstruction of justice?

How much you want to bet the corrupt FBI didn't offer Tony Bobulinski $1 million to verify all the crimes on Hunter Biden's laptop?
Which crimes are those? Be specific and don’t spout a bunch of general crap.
How much you want to bet the corrupt FBI didn't offer Tony Bobulinski $1 million to verify all the crimes on Hunter Biden's laptop? Originally Posted by berryberry
one difference

they didnt need to pay anyone when it came to hunter
HedonistForever's Avatar
I wonder if the FBI has ever offered someone 1 million dollars to "prove' what the person was saying?

And yes, I think it is a crime to purposefully try to prove that a Presidential candidate, weeks away from an election, actually asked prostitutes to pee on a bed that Obama had supposedly slept in and when they couldn't get that "verification/ proof", they went ahead with the inquisition anyway.

So there we have "actual testimony/ proof" that the FBI, with subversive intent, tried to interfere in a Presidential election while blaming Trump, without proof, for doing the same damn thing.
... All the more reason to have Congress investigate
the FBI's conduct with all of this.

And no doubt that will happen next year.

### Salty
Did anyone list out the crimes from the laptop? Or is that just a talking point?
HedonistForever's Avatar
More interesting details coming out of the Durham trial. Durham has his own witness on the stand, FBI Agent Auton.

Durham: You and your colleagues took information and put it in the Carter Page FISA application. You didn't have corroboration from FBI databases, from other intelligence community agencies or from Christopher Steele and it still winds up in the FISA warrant?

Auton: Correct

So the FBI just admitted they did not follow their own rules in verifying all information in the application to be true to the best of their knowledge.

That was a lie because they knew from the minute they read that report of Christopher Steele's, that he could not prove, even when offered 1 million dollars, out tax dollars, that what he said in that report was true and yet the FBI used it ( with other additional information they remind us.... constantly ) for 4 FISA applications all based on "fruit of the poisonous tree".

In another part of this story, paraphrasing "Danchenko says he got some of his salacious material from somebody ( wish I could remember the name ) that this person had heard on the news, in the news, all these things Trump did and Danchenko just decided to add that to the dossier with no verification at all.

I had my doubts that Durham would be honest enough to lay this out exactly as it happened, no matter who it hurts and it really hurts the FBI who are downing in bad news, but it sounds like he is going to do just that. None of this may send any American to jail for participating in this "hoax", but we are going to hear who did what and when and it ain't gonna be pretty for all those journalists who won awards for fake journalism which I suspect none will give back and admit their complicity in a lie.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-13-2022, 11:36 AM
Did anyone list out the crimes from the laptop? Or is that just a talking point? Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Talking point.

Our MAGA Parrots only quality.
The FBI has morphed into the security police for the “Swamp”.

And not just at the top. The field agents are just as corrupt.

Surely they could sense that when you dress up in full SWAT gear, complete with automatic weapons, roust out two elderly people in their home at 5:00 AM with a CNN crew in tow, something is wrong.

None of this may send any American to jail for participating in this "hoax", but we are going to hear who did what and when and it ain't gonna be pretty for all those journalists who won awards for fake journalism which I suspect none will give back and admit their complicity in a lie. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
heretofore and in the past and prior history and experience

all join and synergize and meld and combine

to inform me that

if its a government union person and especially if they are dimocrat...aint nuthin gonna happen to nobody except

maybe they will be given an option to retire with full benefits to become an msnbc contributor

and if its anyone higher in the dimocrat food the awful hellary.... forget about it
andy mcarthy

"utter proof the fbi framed donald trump and shielded hunter biden"
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
And even for a million dollars, Steele could not, or would not, confirm the file. That says a lot.
HedonistForever's Avatar
And even for a million dollars, Steele could not, or would not, confirm the file. That says a lot. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

And failing to confirm any of it didn't matter to the FBI because they wanted to stop Trump even if it meant breaking the law and destroying the credibility of our "premier" law enforcement agency. That says a lot too.