Science marches on!

bluffcityguy's Avatar
The bushy look is definitely out.

The vast majority of US women—84 percent—engage in some form of pubic grooming, according to the first nationally representative survey on ladyscaping published Wednesday in JAMA Dermatology. Of the private pruners, 62 percent reported going completely bare at least once.
Most women shave their nether regions for hygiene; doctors facepalm (Ars Technica)

I wonder how many of them are shaving for values of "hygiene" = "my boyfriend doesn't want to have to explain to his wife why there are strange pubic hairs in his toothbrush"?


Contralto's Avatar
... "my boyfriend doesn't want to have to explain to his wife why there are strange pubic hairs in his toothbrush" Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
Too funny.

I think most guys in the hobby anyway just want to see exactly what they are buying!
i have a friend with benefits, we get together maybe once a month, text once a week, and she always grooms but has surprised me the past 3-4 visits going bare and i think she likes my response and i like hers