New York Attorney General Claims She Has Evidence of Fraud by Trump, Don Jr. and Ivanka

Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is going to happen, folks. One way or another, the State of New York is gonna get its pound of flesh (or is that mushroom cap?)

Courts - especially in New York state - are not going to stop this from going forward. (Unless the prosecution fucks it up of course.) And NY AG James is out for blood. She was going to run for Governor but suspended her campaign to run for re-election. (Outwardly, of course -- could be shitty polls, but she's definitely got unfinished business).

The Children of the Corn are going to get smacked. Will it be hard enough to bring Big Daddy Dipshit down? I don't know. When push comes to shove, Twitler will push AND shove his children under the bus.

But will they roll on him?

Indictments imminent? Lock her up?

Stay tuned reality TV fans!

New York Attorney General Claims She Has Evidence of Fraud by Trump, Don Jr. and Ivanka

"The only one misleading the public is Letitia James," a Trump spokeswoman said in response

New York Attorney General Letitia James is increasing pressure on former President Donald Trump and his children to cooperate in an investigation into the Trump Organization's finances, as the family says the probe is baseless.

In a statement issued Tuesday, James' office said it filed paperwork to request a judge to force Trump, 75, his son Donald Trump Jr., 44, and daughter Ivanka Trump, 40, to testify.

The former president's adult children previously asked a judge to quash what they called an "unprecedented and unconstitutional" bid for their testimony after being subpoenaed in December.

The attorney general's office also claimed Tuesday it has evidence of "fraudulent or misleading asset valuations" used by the Trumps to secure loans, insurance coverage and tax deductions.

"Each of the individuals was directly involved in one or more transactions under review," the attorney general's office said.

Trump's middle son, Eric Trump, who serves as an executive vice president at Trump Organization, was also subpoenaed earlier and testified in 2020.

"For more than two years, the Trump Organization has used delay tactics and litigation in an attempt to thwart a legitimate investigation into its financial dealings," James said in a statement. "Thus far in our investigation, we have uncovered significant evidence that suggests Donald J. Trump and the Trump Organization falsely and fraudulently valued multiple assets and misrepresented those values to financial institutions for economic benefit."

In the filing, the attorney general alleges that the Trump organization's financial statements were "inaccurate or misleading" when it came to the value of certain assets.

"The only one misleading the public is Letitia James," Trump spokeswoman Liz Harrington said in a statement that accused the attorney general, who ran as a Democrat in 2018, of going after the former president for political reasons.

"Three years later she is now faced with the stark reality that she has no case," Harrington said.

According to the document filed by James' office, the Trump Organization's financial records allegedly "misstated objective facts, like the size of Mr. Trump's Trump Tower penthouse."

Furthermore, the attorney general's office claims the Trumps' company failed to use fundamental techniques of valuation and inflated certain values by an undisclosed percentage to boost the Trump brand.

"In light of the pervasive and repeated nature of the misstatements and omissions, it appears that the valuations in the Statements were generally inflated as part of a pattern to suggest that Mr. Trump's net worth was higher than it otherwise would have appeared," the document reads.

In one example, the attorney general's office said the Trump Organization counted $150,000 in initiation fees for membership at its Westchester, New York, golf club in 2011 but "records indicate that many members paid no deposit for their memberships" that year.

Another example is the Trump Park Avenue property, which the attorney general's office says was valued between $135 and $350 million between 2001 and 2020.

However, "evidence obtained by the Attorney General establishes that unsold residential condominium units represented the lion's share of reported value (in excess of 95% in some years)," the document states.

For one unit in the building, "Ivanka Trump held an option to purchase an apartment she was renting for $8.5 million, but it was valued as high as $25 million on Mr. Trump's financial statements," the attorney general's office said.

James' office said it hasn't decided whether the evidence it presented Tuesday merits legal action. But in its attempt to convince a judge to force the Trumps to testify, it stated "the grounds for pursuing the investigation are self-evident."

"The Trumps must comply with our lawful subpoenas for documents and testimony because no one in this country can pick and choose if and how the law applies to them," James said in her statement. "We will not be deterred in our efforts to continue this investigation and ensure that no one is above the law."
You and your never ending conspiracies again...ZERO stars.
GET OVER YOURSELF you egotistical BLOWHARD you and VM should collaborate on a WHOOPER about your and his fascination on ALL things Trump because you and him don't have anything positive about the current state of the country which is what concerns the American people most not this tabloid TRASH...
Her chief advisors on “absolute proof” are Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler.
VitaMan's Avatar
Not long ago (was it yesterday ?) you were promoting your baseless government undercover operative "theory". Several dozen times. Could it be bb is:

LexusLover's Avatar
Not long ago (was it yesterday ?) you were promoting your baseless government undercover operative "theory". Several dozen times. Could it be bb is:

TWO FACED ??? Originally Posted by VitaMan
What does that have to do with JR and the NY AG story?

When do we get to see THE "EVIDENCE"? AFTER the 2024 election?
Not long ago (was it yesterday ?) you were promoting your baseless government undercover operative "theory". Several dozen times. Could it be bb is: Originally Posted by VitaMan
The shit he posted is COMPLETE tabloid trash and since you two think alike you rush to defend this crap.
As I said your self-awareness and comprehension are non existent.
This is SENATE TESTMONY nothing baseless about this other then your idiotic statements about it. Now it's obvious that you don't read well either...

'Who Is Ray Epps?' Cruz Grills FBI agent on Involvement in Jan. 6; Their Answers Raise More Questions

Jill Sanborn, executive assistant director of the FBI’s National Security Branch was testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee. That’s when Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) asked some very good questions to which she didn’t have a response. Cruz asked about FBI involvement/informants in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

“How many FBI agents or confidential informants actively participated in the events of January 6th?” Cruz asked. Sanborn said that she couldn’t go into “sources and methods.” Cruz continued asking if any FBI agents or confidential informants participated, to which Sanborn said, “I can’t answer that.” He then asked if any of them committed crimes of violence or incited crimes? Again, she refused to answer.

Then Cruz went all-in, asking, “Who is Ray Epps?” Ray Epps is a man who has been speculated on a lot because he was very active, encouraging people to go into the Capitol, yet doesn’t appear to have been pursued by the FBI when the FBI seems to be pursuing people who so much as breathed near the Capitol that day.

Sanborn’s response? “I’m aware of the individual.” But she doesn’t disabuse anyone of the belief that he could be FBI-connected; indeed, her failure to fully respond, got even more tongues talking.

“Ms. Sanborn, was Ray Epps a fed,” Cruz asked.

“I cannot answer that,” Sanborn responded. I guess that answers that question right there, which leads to a lot of other questions.

Cruz noted how five seconds after Epps talks to someone, that person starts to tear down a barricade. Did Epps urge him to tear down the barricade, Cruz asked Sanborn. And again, she said that she couldn’t answer that.

Cruz said many Americans are concerned that the federal government encouraged illegal activity, noting that — oddly — Epps had been removed from the list that the FBI had put out of people they were looking for in connection to Jan. 6. Sanborn then finally says that “not to her knowledge” did the FBI “actively” encourage violent criminal conduct.

But she didn’t respond as to the other questions, and her failure to respond was in itself an answer, leaving all kinds of questions about the FBI being involved. She didn’t deny that Epps was an FBI or an informant.
VitaMan's Avatar
When are you going to prove you are not a communist ?

Trumpites making baseless claims.
Trying to divert attention from the real issue.


Trump has a life long history of doing exactly what this article discusses.
When are you going to prove you are not a communist ?

Trumpites making baseless claims.
Trying to divert attention from the real issue.

The ATTACK on the US CAPITOL Originally Posted by VitaMan
Again nothing sustentative from you...calling SENTATE testimony baseless claims...the real issue...the TOPIC of this tabloid thread...she CLAIMS TO HAVE EVIDENCE...why don't you shit in one hand and wish in another and being the GENIUS you are should have no problem figuring this out

Again for your baseless nonsense claim...

'Who Is Ray Epps?' Cruz Grills FBI agent on Involvement in Jan. 6; Their Answers Raise More Questions

Jill Sanborn, executive assistant director of the FBI’s National Security Branch was testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee. That’s when Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) asked some very good questions to which she didn’t have a response. Cruz asked about FBI involvement/informants in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

“How many FBI agents or confidential informants actively participated in the events of January 6th?” Cruz asked. Sanborn said that she couldn’t go into “sources and methods.” Cruz continued asking if any FBI agents or confidential informants participated, to which Sanborn said, “I can’t answer that.” He then asked if any of them committed crimes of violence or incited crimes? Again, she refused to answer.

Then Cruz went all-in, asking, “Who is Ray Epps?” Ray Epps is a man who has been speculated on a lot because he was very active, encouraging people to go into the Capitol, yet doesn’t appear to have been pursued by the FBI when the FBI seems to be pursuing people who so much as breathed near the Capitol that day.

Sanborn’s response? “I’m aware of the individual.” But she doesn’t disabuse anyone of the belief that he could be FBI-connected; indeed, her failure to fully respond, got even more tongues talking.

“Ms. Sanborn, was Ray Epps a fed,” Cruz asked.

“I cannot answer that,” Sanborn responded. I guess that answers that question right there, which leads to a lot of other questions.

Cruz noted how five seconds after Epps talks to someone, that person starts to tear down a barricade. Did Epps urge him to tear down the barricade, Cruz asked Sanborn. And again, she said that she couldn’t answer that.

Cruz said many Americans are concerned that the federal government encouraged illegal activity, noting that — oddly — Epps had been removed from the list that the FBI had put out of people they were looking for in connection to Jan. 6. Sanborn then finally says that “not to her knowledge” did the FBI “actively” encourage violent criminal conduct.

But she didn’t respond as to the other questions, and her failure to respond was in itself an answer, leaving all kinds of questions about the FBI being involved. She didn’t deny that Epps was an FBI or an informant.
VitaMan's Avatar
Your baseless claim holds no water. It is a diversion tactic produced by Trumpites.

Whether the claims in the original post here lead to an indictment remain to be seen.
This is going to happen, folks. One way or another, the State of New York is gonna get its pound of flesh (or is that mushroom cap?)

Courts - especially in New York state - are not going to stop this from going forward. (Unless the prosecution fucks it up of course.) And NY AG James is out for blood. She was going to run for Governor but suspended her campaign to run for re-election. (Outwardly, of course -- could be shitty polls, but she's definitely got unfinished business).

The Children of the Corn are going to get smacked. Will it be hard enough to bring Big Daddy Dipshit down? I don't know. When push comes to shove, Twitler will push AND shove his children under the bus.

But will they roll on him?

Indictments imminent? Lock her up?

Stay tuned reality TV fans!

New York Attorney General Claims She Has Evidence of Fraud by Trump, Don Jr. and Ivanka

"The only one misleading the public is Letitia James," a Trump spokeswoman said in response

New York Attorney General Letitia James is increasing pressure on former President Donald Trump and his children to cooperate in an investigation into the Trump Organization's finances, as the family says the probe is baseless.

In a statement issued Tuesday, James' office said it filed paperwork to request a judge to force Trump, 75, his son Donald Trump Jr., 44, and daughter Ivanka Trump, 40, to testify.

The former president's adult children previously asked a judge to quash what they called an "unprecedented and unconstitutional" bid for their testimony after being subpoenaed in December.

The attorney general's office also claimed Tuesday it has evidence of "fraudulent or misleading asset valuations" used by the Trumps to secure loans, insurance coverage and tax deductions.

"Each of the individuals was directly involved in one or more transactions under review," the attorney general's office said.

Trump's middle son, Eric Trump, who serves as an executive vice president at Trump Organization, was also subpoenaed earlier and testified in 2020.

"For more than two years, the Trump Organization has used delay tactics and litigation in an attempt to thwart a legitimate investigation into its financial dealings," James said in a statement. "Thus far in our investigation, we have uncovered significant evidence that suggests Donald J. Trump and the Trump Organization falsely and fraudulently valued multiple assets and misrepresented those values to financial institutions for economic benefit."

In the filing, the attorney general alleges that the Trump organization's financial statements were "inaccurate or misleading" when it came to the value of certain assets.

"The only one misleading the public is Letitia James," Trump spokeswoman Liz Harrington said in a statement that accused the attorney general, who ran as a Democrat in 2018, of going after the former president for political reasons.

"Three years later she is now faced with the stark reality that she has no case," Harrington said.

According to the document filed by James' office, the Trump Organization's financial records allegedly "misstated objective facts, like the size of Mr. Trump's Trump Tower penthouse."

Furthermore, the attorney general's office claims the Trumps' company failed to use fundamental techniques of valuation and inflated certain values by an undisclosed percentage to boost the Trump brand.

"In light of the pervasive and repeated nature of the misstatements and omissions, it appears that the valuations in the Statements were generally inflated as part of a pattern to suggest that Mr. Trump's net worth was higher than it otherwise would have appeared," the document reads.

In one example, the attorney general's office said the Trump Organization counted $150,000 in initiation fees for membership at its Westchester, New York, golf club in 2011 but "records indicate that many members paid no deposit for their memberships" that year.

Another example is the Trump Park Avenue property, which the attorney general's office says was valued between $135 and $350 million between 2001 and 2020.

However, "evidence obtained by the Attorney General establishes that unsold residential condominium units represented the lion's share of reported value (in excess of 95% in some years)," the document states.

For one unit in the building, "Ivanka Trump held an option to purchase an apartment she was renting for $8.5 million, but it was valued as high as $25 million on Mr. Trump's financial statements," the attorney general's office said.

James' office said it hasn't decided whether the evidence it presented Tuesday merits legal action. But in its attempt to convince a judge to force the Trumps to testify, it stated "the grounds for pursuing the investigation are self-evident."

"The Trumps must comply with our lawful subpoenas for documents and testimony because no one in this country can pick and choose if and how the law applies to them," James said in her statement. "We will not be deterred in our efforts to continue this investigation and ensure that no one is above the law." Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
She should have came forward with that bullshit during Trump's last impeachment. Apparently the script wan't finished yet, lol.
Your baseless claim holds no water. It is a diversion tactic produced by Trumpites.

Whether the claims in the original post here lead to an indictment remain to be seen. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Your lunacy doesn't.
Which one of your hands filled up faster???
The Trump indictment in a secret vault somewhere...
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This is going to happen, folks. One way or another, the State of New York is gonna get its pound of flesh (or is that mushroom cap?)

Courts - especially in New York state - are not going to stop this from going forward. (Unless the prosecution fucks it up of course.) And NY AG James is out for blood. She was going to run for Governor but suspended her campaign to run for re-election. (Outwardly, of course -- could be shitty polls, but she's definitely got unfinished business).

The Children of the Corn are going to get smacked. Will it be hard enough to bring Big Daddy Dipshit down? I don't know. When push comes to shove, Twitler will push AND shove his children under the bus.

But will they roll on him?

Indictments imminent? Lock her up?

Stay tuned reality TV fans!

New York Attorney General Claims She Has Evidence of Fraud by Trump, Don Jr. and Ivanka

"The only one misleading the public is Letitia James," a Trump spokeswoman said in response

New York Attorney General Letitia James is increasing pressure on former President Donald Trump and his children to cooperate in an investigation into the Trump Organization's finances, as the family says the probe is baseless.

In a statement issued Tuesday, James' office said it filed paperwork to request a judge to force Trump, 75, his son Donald Trump Jr., 44, and daughter Ivanka Trump, 40, to testify.

The former president's adult children previously asked a judge to quash what they called an "unprecedented and unconstitutional" bid for their testimony after being subpoenaed in December.

The attorney general's office also claimed Tuesday it has evidence of "fraudulent or misleading asset valuations" used by the Trumps to secure loans, insurance coverage and tax deductions.

"Each of the individuals was directly involved in one or more transactions under review," the attorney general's office said.

Trump's middle son, Eric Trump, who serves as an executive vice president at Trump Organization, was also subpoenaed earlier and testified in 2020.

"For more than two years, the Trump Organization has used delay tactics and litigation in an attempt to thwart a legitimate investigation into its financial dealings," James said in a statement. "Thus far in our investigation, we have uncovered significant evidence that suggests Donald J. Trump and the Trump Organization falsely and fraudulently valued multiple assets and misrepresented those values to financial institutions for economic benefit."

In the filing, the attorney general alleges that the Trump organization's financial statements were "inaccurate or misleading" when it came to the value of certain assets.

"The only one misleading the public is Letitia James," Trump spokeswoman Liz Harrington said in a statement that accused the attorney general, who ran as a Democrat in 2018, of going after the former president for political reasons.

"Three years later she is now faced with the stark reality that she has no case," Harrington said.

According to the document filed by James' office, the Trump Organization's financial records allegedly "misstated objective facts, like the size of Mr. Trump's Trump Tower penthouse."

Furthermore, the attorney general's office claims the Trumps' company failed to use fundamental techniques of valuation and inflated certain values by an undisclosed percentage to boost the Trump brand.

"In light of the pervasive and repeated nature of the misstatements and omissions, it appears that the valuations in the Statements were generally inflated as part of a pattern to suggest that Mr. Trump's net worth was higher than it otherwise would have appeared," the document reads.

In one example, the attorney general's office said the Trump Organization counted $150,000 in initiation fees for membership at its Westchester, New York, golf club in 2011 but "records indicate that many members paid no deposit for their memberships" that year.

Another example is the Trump Park Avenue property, which the attorney general's office says was valued between $135 and $350 million between 2001 and 2020.

However, "evidence obtained by the Attorney General establishes that unsold residential condominium units represented the lion's share of reported value (in excess of 95% in some years)," the document states.

For one unit in the building, "Ivanka Trump held an option to purchase an apartment she was renting for $8.5 million, but it was valued as high as $25 million on Mr. Trump's financial statements," the attorney general's office said.

James' office said it hasn't decided whether the evidence it presented Tuesday merits legal action. But in its attempt to convince a judge to force the Trumps to testify, it stated "the grounds for pursuing the investigation are self-evident."

"The Trumps must comply with our lawful subpoenas for documents and testimony because no one in this country can pick and choose if and how the law applies to them," James said in her statement. "We will not be deterred in our efforts to continue this investigation and ensure that no one is above the law." Originally Posted by Yssup Rider


VitaMan's Avatar
Really on TILT now. How old are you now Dad ?

And you claim to be informative.
VitaMan's Avatar
Which one of your hands filled up faster??? Originally Posted by bb1961

This from a self proclaimed expert on economics. The above is his true expertise.
He's looking smaller all the time.

Go back to watching your cartoons...and post a thread about what you have learned from them. I'm convinced that is where you get ALL your 'wisdom' from.