As I have been reading reviews through the years (albeit im a slightly younger hobbiest), I see alot of guys saying they bring girls to "O", and some reviews say multiple times.
As I dont think that its unbelievable, that we could get a provider to O. Do you really think that it happens as often as it seems to be portrayed in reviews? It seems to me if I daty(which is rare anyway) or even during FS if they are seemingly getting off I consider it part of what I paid for. Especially if you are daty or other activity that is directly trying to please her. Would you repeat if she just layed there, uninterested?
When I have encountered reactions that would lead me to believe that she was getting off, even with obvious signs (i wont get into graphics), I believe its mostly part of the act. Some great providers leave me with the false feeling that she actually really likes me. Which makes the price of admission more than worth it. Do you really think you are getting these girls off?
I enjoy the "act", but I dont get confused with what is actually happening.
I dont want to start a flame war here, nor am I trying to piss anyone off. Its a question I have been asking myself for awhile now.