Grandfathered far back??

ratboy jam's Avatar
I recently talked to a provider I had seen many times a few years ago. She reminded me that I hadn't scheduled a session with her in a few years. I told her that she is now above my pay scale and she told me that she once told me to call her anyway...and she would keep the "old rate". Well, the MAIN reason I never scheduled with her again is that my old rate is almost 3 times less than what she requires now.

I want to see her again but I DO NOT want to insult her or embarass myself by taking her up on her "see me at our old rates". What do others think?

And no..I really don't think I would want to even bring up the old rate, but cannot really afford the new or anywhere near it. (NOT that it wouldn't be WELL WORTH IT..but I just don't have the funds).
Diabolo's Avatar
Yeah, that's a slippery slope... I went through something similar and decided that it wasn't worth it to risk my rep with said lady. Instead, I only got to see her once instead of twice a month from that point on.

Some times, that's the best approach for a situation like this.
simpleton's Avatar
Why is asking for a discount a bad thing? Almost everything else for sale can be negotiated. I would send her a pm and be very honest about the situation. If she has tizzy to bad. You weren't going to be able to see her anyway.
Guest091710's Avatar
i don't quite know the situation, but if she offered it to you, then perhaps she enjoyed Your company. i don't think it hurts to ask, i think most providers would more then likely take the graceful lady like way out if she didn't want to honor the grandfathered rate. More then likely just saying she doesn't have an opening for that time. If she did this continually it prob means she doesn't want to. i still have clients that ive seen from the start, who get my starting rate. Yet i have not tripled in rates. It by no means i enjoy my sessions with them any less, its just showing appreciation for the continued support. Granted i have not been in the business that long, but its how i would handle the situation.
Htowner's Avatar
Well if you are a grandfather, it can go way back. On the positive side, she does not have to make that available for too long

Seriously though, what is implicit in grandfathering, in my view, is an ongoing type of thing with no interruption from before and after rates. It is designed not to interrupt the flow of business. However if it was once in a blue moon ago and nothing has been going on since, then she is not really expect to honor such a deal. Some do , some don't depending on the business they are doing or their own personal feelings.
TexasGator's Avatar
Well if you are a grandfather, it can go way back. On the positive side, she does not have to make that available for too long

Seriously though, what is implicit in grandfathering, in my view, is an ongoing type of thing with no interruption from before and after rates. It is designed not to interrupt the flow of business. However if it was once in a blue moon ago and nothing has been going on since, then she is not really expect to honor such a deal. Some do , some don't depending on the business they are doing or their own personal feelings. Originally Posted by Htowner

What a difference a title makes! You have to admit if you took off your mod hat & restated your exact post in HAPPYNESE, you'd be falling off your chair by now (restated: LYFAO) What a post that would/could be!

Up for the challenge?
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
If she's still breathing... you should at least ask... if she's not... silence gives consent...
Htowner's Avatar
Ok, I play:

These friggin' new regime.
All they want to do is clown on the board, 'lonely heart club', whine and bitch about how they can get the Elite for poor house prices.
These top shelf ladies know a man when they see one. Rate is not really an issue. They may spend some time on the go fast boat, or bcd or having a little Crown and no real discussion about rates.
All you socializing, gossiping, SC going, backstabbing, gossiping hound dogs do nothing but hurt their business.
In the mean time , it is a nice day out there , so I am going to my brown eyed girl to the go fast boat, drink some lunch while you all are clowning on the board talking about things you have never done.
Hell, some of you like Htowner , clowning on the board, has not even seen the lady bcd and commenting on her . This is a P4P board not a lonely heart club board.
Friggin' PAYton place.

RIP MR HAPPY, you probably wouldn't have wanted to see the day where aspd is gone and I am a mod on the new board.
Ok, I play:

RIP MR HAPPY, you probably wouldn't have wanted to see the day where aspd is gone and I am a mod on the new board. Originally Posted by Htowner

Ain't that the truth. He's probably wondering aloud what the temperature is in Hell these days.
Htowner's Avatar

Ain't that the truth. He's probably wondering aloud what the temperature is in Hell these days. Originally Posted by obiwansalami

Oh I met MR HAPPY. He was alright. He had his own idea of right and wrong and a lot of things he said , came true . May be he was the prophet before Dearhunter.
Often TG and I look at each other amidst the drama and say:" MR HAPPY was right". Imagine that.
It sounds like your provider friend thinks like I do; I would rather see someone I have seen before and enjoyed his company too. I have lowered my rate for the frequent fliers and offered grandfathered them too.. In this day and time,,, the enconomy is not great. I would prefer a gent I have seen before and know to be consistent to seeing a newbie. Regular Gents are my bread and butter and I want to keep them around,, so yes,, I think you should see her..
TexasGator's Avatar
Ok, I play:

These friggin' new regime.
All they want to do is clown on the board, 'lonely heart club', whine and bitch about how they can get the Elite for poor house prices.
These top shelf ladies know a man when they see one. Rate is not really an issue. They may spend some time on the go fast boat, or bcd or having a little Crown and no real discussion about rates.
All you socializing, gossiping, SC going, backstabbing, gossiping hound dogs do nothing but hurt their business.
In the mean time , it is a nice day out there , so I am going to my brown eyed girl to the go fast boat, drink some lunch while you all are clowning on the board talking about things you have never done.
Hell, some of you like Htowner , clowning on the board, has not even seen the lady bcd and commenting on her . This is a P4P board not a lonely heart club board.
Friggin' PAYton place.

RIP MR HAPPY, you probably wouldn't have wanted to see the day where aspd is gone and I am a mod on the new board. Originally Posted by Htowner

Ain't that the truth. He's probably wondering aloud what the temperature is in Hell these days. Originally Posted by obiwansalami
Oh I met MR HAPPY. He was alright. He had his own idea of right and wrong and a lot of things he said , came true . May be he was the prophet before Dearhunter.
Often TG and I look at each other amidst the drama and say:" MR HAPPY was right". Imagine that. Originally Posted by Htowner
So true!
CORRECTION: So friggin' true!

He was our nemesis then; our inspiration today.

I never thought I'd say this, but: We miss you MRHAPPY!

RIP!.... and YES, you were friggin' right!
Wayward's Avatar
Want a real nightmare? What if Father Wayward is right, about anything?

That ought to sink some go-fast boats and send a few Elite UTRs into a Dallas suburb. Funny how he was right sometimes and that we all seem to kind of miss him.

BOT - ask politely if the lady would still grandfather you, worst that could happen is she says no.
nebtex1's Avatar
What's the big deal ... if she offers it ... take it. A lot providers have various rates. I have seen that same provider advertise in one place at say $250, then in another place under $200.

I noticed this first years ago in Dallas when visiting. In a magazine (targeting visitors) she had one name and a fairly high rate ... the when I was in Dallas I saw an add with a different name and much lower rate (but the same phone # and the other info was the same) ... the same girl answered the phone ... of course I made the appointment with the name that was much cheaper.

What's the big deal about getting a discount ... especially if she suggests it.

It's basic economics. Would you rather have a regular that comes once a month @ 250 or 2 or 3 times a month @ $150 each. If she isn't that busy ... she is better off with the 2nd option.
dearhunter's Avatar
Elijah to my Elisha...............and his politics were'nt half bad.