Regarding Jasper's review

nataliejones's Avatar
I have always said "treating me like a lady goes a long way". Because one is in the industry does not give one the right to treat someone like a piece of "meat". I am a lady NOT cold cuts. I was with Jasper for almost 3 1/2 hours. Yes my donation was 450 but at the end HE picked up the envelope and took HALF out of it.

I went out of the way to try to accommodate him even with the way he was treating me. Yes I did get crabby and trust me if it was anyone else they probably would have left hours ago. If you EXPECT someone to give 100% treat them with respect, don't treat them like a dog.

Once again, Jasper received over 3 1/2 hours for 250 NOT 450. I can't see the review "details" so perhaps Jasper did write and clarify that in his review. If he did not I am clarifying that piece of information.

Perhaps I am not for everyone. No, I am not going to be sweet as sugar if I am being treated in a disrespectful manner. I expect someone to be a GENTLEMAN and to treat me like a lady and this I assure you goes a long way!

You can see from my other reviews that I am no "nut case". I am sweet, friendly, accommodating and WILL go the extra mile as long as I am being treated with respect and dignity . Thanks for taking the time to hear "my side"!

MODS the # he posted in the review is my PRIVATE # can you kindly remove it.

Thank you!
You may want to RTM his review to get the mods attention faster to remove the phone number.

Guys, the biggest factor in YMMV (should be ymWv) is that we respond to the way you act. If you're nervous, it might rub off on a lady. If you're being a dick, we'll be a bitch. If you're upbeat and fun, we will be too!
Even as professionals, we can't be all perky and exciting if you just want to sit there looking terrified and we can only take charge of a situation as much as you allow us to. We'll do our best, but guide us (gently!) if you don't like how something is going, and DO remember that we are ladies. If we're not treated like ladies, we're not going to act like ladies.

That's my nickel!
always good to hear both sides of the story......thx
topcat19542001's Avatar
When I read the review I remember thinking that it sounded like a simple chemistry mismatch.
internet_inventor2's Avatar
A short, concise and to point response, BRAVO. I am happy to hear the other side. Your response is very credible .....
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
3 1/2 hours for $250? Wow he ripped you off. Then he had the nerve to write a bad review on you! IMHO, with the $200 discount he should of never wrote that review.
nataliejones's Avatar
Thanks Robin, LAP took care of it immediately & thank you all for your comments If I may add, I am usually one to lay low and if he had not written that review I would have never said anything about the $ situation. I say, you win some, you lose some and I was in no harms way. He was a perfect gentleman until we got BCD.

I believe that if you are willing to write about your experience it should be the truth and nothing but. If Jasper would have admitted that he did get almost 1/2 of his $ back you would not be seeing my post in the co-ed forum!

Brooke, you ARE right! If you tried a pair or jeans on, wore it for a couple of hours...decided you didn't like it and got money back.... need I say more?

Hugs and /blowkis/
dearhunter's Avatar
I can see BCD.............and without disclosing have no reason to be suspicious that he did not state the $ correctly......he was honest about the matter.

So, in fact, there is no reason for your thread except to get out your view of the session......
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I can see BCD.............and without disclosing have no reason to be suspicious that he did not state the $ correctly......he was honest about the matter.

So, in fact, there is no reason for your thread except to get out your view of the session...... Originally Posted by dearhunter
But she didn't know that at the time, darlin. Like her, I wouldn't bother to respond to a less-than-stellar review UNLESS there was something important that needed correction, like the price discrepancy, and removal of private info like the unadvertised phone number. Bear in mind that gents without BCD will view that and get the wrong idea about her rates and how to contact her.

As to the rest, a gentleman is entitled to say whatever he likes, whether the provider thinks it fair or not. But like Robin and topcat stated, we ladies try, but sometimes YMMV as we respond to moods and chemistry. I have offered a partial refund if I thought the session was not up to my own high standards, but only one young fellow (who evidently failed to notice my 40++ age and near 6 ft height splattered all over my website, and who went deaf when I warned him I was older and taller than he was) has ever taken me up on that.
ibechill's Avatar
I think he was over generous.
dearhunter's Avatar

Your perspective is illogical...............your reference of "at the time" is not in regards to a time sensitive piece of information.

You and she do not have BCD and would never know (theoretically).

If your logic is followed to its conclusion...........since he was honest about the $, he must have been honest about the rest of the BCD............and he was gentle with her beyond what she deserved.................if we follow the logic as it is framed in this thread.
Trnch's Avatar
  • Trnch
  • 02-04-2010, 07:27 AM
Sometimes the $$ is not the issue, it's the value experience that matters.
boardman's Avatar
logic Originally Posted by dearhunter
Big Lou's Avatar
I read the review right after he posted it and he did menton the money parts and seemed to be very honest about the situation. What you aren't mentioning is that the BCD was eneded early because he didn't enjoy your service. This doesn't speak to how he may or may not have been treating you, but he did tell a pretty complete story.

I'm sure there are other variables in this equation, but one thing I know for sure is that in the last 2 weeks or so, I have read 2 less than favorable things about you, Natalie. That seems to stick with people. Maybe you have had the misfortune of two seperate jerks, or maybe there is an isssue with you...?

I'm not picking sides here becuase I really don't care. That being said, I would think you would be going out of your way to make sure that your clients end their sessions with you satisfied because the last two things I have read about you were less than flattering. Does this mean you should be abused? No. Does this mean that you should be accomodating even if you feel that you aren't being treated like the princess you want to be treated like? Yes. Remember who is paying who.

Just my thoughts on the situation.