Maybe Its Just Me

Introuble's Avatar
We have all seen the ads -

"$160 for an hour, $100 for a half hour"

I have noticed lately with increasing frequency that once some providers advertise a 30 minute rate, they assume that is what you want. I rarely have ever booked anything but an hour session and when agreeing to a session it never occurs to me to specify an hour. Many times a provider does not necessarily list a 30 minute rate on the ad or website that YOU see, but does list it in other places.

So you walk in and she asks for the money up front or maybe you do as we are "suppose" to do and leave it laying in plain site before the session. So you shell out the ONE HOUR rate and exactly 25 minutes later she is cleaning you up. One could argue that I should be in control of the pace of the session but I must admit this trend has taken me by surprise more than once. It would be rare that I would even confront the provider about the issue simply out of respect (or being perceived as a tight ass) so I let it go. Hell of a tip. I recently had a provider do that on the 4th visit and that was the last time she will ever see me.

Another ploy used with frequency is the SPECIAL. The ad goes like this -

"$160 for one hour, Today's special $100".

The implied rate is $100 for an hour but what they do is give you a 30 minute session and not tell you. Since many providers are NOT MSOG, once you are done, they are done. If they can make you believe you are getting a one hour session and get you out the door in 30, exactly who's fault is it that you could not last an hour? Certainly not hers she would argue.

I know times are tough and business is slow, but I would encourage all providers to advertise honestly. I would also encourage all clients to be diligent in asking questions concerning how long the session is, especially if it is not listed. I find this type of deceit not in the best interest of the hobby, and prevents me from ever wanting to see a provider a second time and creates a potential for a negative review.

Why not simply be honest?

(The rates are simply an example)
  • npita
  • 03-11-2010, 09:46 AM
If you can't figure out what a provider's ad is really saying, don't see that provider. If she really wanted you to know what she is charging for a particular length of time, she would make that clear in the ad.

I just make it a habit to say I am wanting a 1 hr session. I cannot get comfortable in a 30 min, unless I relly know the lady.

So, the more you put in your communication, the lest has to be left to chance in session.

Caveat emptor
, pronounced /ˌkę.viː.ˈɑːt ˌɛmp.tɒr/, is Latin for "Let the buyer beware".[1] Generally, caveat emptor is the property law doctrine that controls the sale of real property after the date of closing.
Thats why I always spell it out that my rate is for an hour. Not 45 minutes, not 20 minutes, not "til you pop" (I mean, after all, you are paying for my TIME and COMPANIONSHIP only)-- 1 hour.
JohnJohn's Avatar
I sympathize with you Introuble. While I haven't had this happen to me, I have read ads that make me think, "This could be misunderstood." I also agree with you and wouldn't be going back.

Doesn't anybody ever kiss and cuddle afterwards anymore? At least for a few minutes?
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
My experience with tug-and-hug girls is either that they spend 45 minutes of the hour pretending to give a massage, or that they'll advertise an hourly rate and then work pretty hard (ahem) to ensure that liftoff is achieved within about 30 minutes. When that ash happened, I typically haven't minded, because, although she's selling her time, I'm buying something else, and the rate she charges is generally commensurate with my achieved expectations. I've never had one offer multiple pops if there was still plenty of time left in the hour. I've learned to ask, when booking a tug-and-hug from a woman how advertises hourly rates, if half-hour sessions are available.
Torito's Avatar
When in doubt, ask, ahead of time. When not in doubt, ask anyway to confirm. Clear and complete communication prevents many problems....loss of $$, disappointment, anger, hurt feelings, etc.

In my opinion the girls need to state time, $$, conditions, etc, clearly. On the other hand, it is my responsibility to take care of my needs. If I don't do that, who will?

Randall Creed's Avatar
I've grown to love 30 min sessions.

Sometimes all ya need to do is just DO THE DO.

If you're a one popper and is usually done in about 25-35 min, this is ideal, IMO. Just show up showered or do a really quick one before getting down to business. There's no real need to 'hold out' and try to extend the session. When you feel the tingle just go with it. If there's any chit chatting, it's usually done on the back end as you're getting dressed.
Thats why my advertising is very simple.

30 minutes $150
1 hour $200

Dosen't get any easier than that.

I even offer a 15 minute session for $100, because lets face it the economey is really bad and people just dont have the cash they use too. I am very comfortable with my rates, and will not be raising them anytime soon
Lana Warren's Avatar
I specify in my ad a higher rate for half hour more than most ladies do because I absolutely hate half sessions! Damn, I'm a talker and a cuddler.......I NEED more than 30 minutes!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Always say that you want a 1hr session, half-hour, two-hour, whatever; either via PM, Phone or email when scheduling the appointment. However I make my appointments, I always let the lady know my time frame.

On the flip-side, ladies why don't you ask how much time we want when we are making the appointment? Why would you schedule "time" with someone and not know how much?

This seems like such a simple concept to me, get it out in the open, up-front; no questions/hard feelings later on either side!
berkleigh's Avatar
I've been offering 2 hours for $300 for months now.

I prefer to spend more quality time than just 30 mins with someone.
Why make something unnecessarily difficult?

If a time is not specified in her ad, simply ASK.

  • npita
  • 03-11-2010, 03:47 PM
Why make something unnecessarily difficult?

If a time is not specified in her ad, simply ASK. Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
Actually, I think there is a good reason for NOT asking. Given that there is very little to go on and that I never considered reviews all that reliable, I inferred a lot from what an ad (actually, p411 profiles - I didn't really read ads very often) contained and how it was written. I think it's very easy to make the exact rate for a given length of time very obvious, so if someone doesn't (or can't) do that, I wouldn't bother to ask. Instead, I'd wonder about a lot more than a confusing rate and look elsewhere.
Shit, it takes me at least two hours to cum once (personal choice, btw).

Half hour be damned! Meh...