I am moving...

To KC!
as some of you know, I recently applied for a job there and I got it
Hope I'm a welcome addition to KC.
raedy4funn45's Avatar
Congrats and good luck with the new job!
Redwolf's Avatar
Welcome indeed.
Welcome, welcome, welcome!!!
Welcome Grace. I'm sure you will be accepted with open arms up here by all in the community. If you need anything, just ask.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
KCQuestor's Avatar
If this was your fault, COG, may I be the first to say THANK YOU!

Welcome to KC, Grace
Martyoo7's Avatar
Welcome to our lovely piece of heaven on earth..
Redwolf's Avatar
Martyoo7, isn't it rather that we should be welcoming to KC the lovely piece of heaven on earth who is Grace?
Good luck Grace!!! Hope KC treats you well!!
lakecat's Avatar
This is fantastic news! When is the move official and when do you start taking appointments??
wildbillkc's Avatar
Its cogs fault and im loving it!! lol welcome grace to kc we will have open arms for ya
MisterS's Avatar
Good luck Grace! We will miss you. Maybe I will get a chance to see you again if I make it up to KC.
welcome to kc i do wish you the best of luck and may it treat you as well those befor you,and better then others.