Encounter: Jessica of Luxury

Hobby Jon's Avatar
Date: 1st week Dec
Name: Jessica
Address and Phone: Luxury Spa - 11250 Harry Hines Blvd. #400. Phone: (214) 399-5746
Address: Harry Hines and Walnut
Phone: 214-399-5746
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
Activities: TS Nuru BBBJ SS TUMA Mish massage
Hair Length and Color: brown with highlights
Age: 30s
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Korean
Physical Description: C breasts, mild makeup, short, nice stomach, smooth skin, rounded ass, cute voice and good English
Recommendation: Yes
aJohnDough's Avatar
Go see Sue at Palace. Real hardbody
Jessica is one of my favorites. She does have a cute voice, I
Never thought about that before
Overrated? Can’t imagine that ever happening here lol
Jessica is fun, and it makes a world of a difference if you can understand one another. Her English is pretty good , I prefer to fondle her tits to monkeying with Google translator.