Disrespectful providers on eccie

SouthernDude127's Avatar
I have dealt with some rude and disrespectful providers on the board as of lately. With the way they disrespected me on here they give the hobby a bad name. I will not post the names but if yall are wondering who, just pm me and I will surely pass on the screen shots of the postings and pm's they sent me.
SknyDiva's Avatar
Me me me!!! It was me!! I got the same screen shots!! You can still kiss it right square down the middle hun!!
SouthernDude127's Avatar
Just keep on being like that and guys will surely see why I posted.
SouthernDude127's Avatar
Keep filling up my inbox with that rudeness and I will surely pass them on too.
Dude - this is not an alert.
SouthernDude127's Avatar
Dude--yes it is.
Serenity24's Avatar
Oh wow.�� lol
"Issues which could endanger the safety of a member or members of our community go here. Please reserve this space for legitimate alerts, and not general FYI material."

I don't have a dog in this hunt, so this is just my take on the intent of the Alerts section. At face value, I don't see how your post meets a the criteria included under the "Alerts" thread.
So, unless the rudeness you alluded to endangers the safety of those in the community, I don't think it's an alert and should be posted as a "Coed Discussion" thread.

Similar to what Walter Sobchak told Smokey during the qualifying round at the bowling alley: "This is not 'Nam. This is eccie. There are rules."
I'm very glad to learn of this - a persistently rude/abusive provider in my opinion does warrant an alert. Thank you Southern. Please PM info.
Then don't seek a provider's services. It's that simple.

The BUTT HURT is strong in this one.
I am not sure what happened or why soo much disrespect I mean if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all! Gloating about being a disrespectful provider is not something good in my book!

Shit happens yes but to outright just be a bother to someone writing them things that "the other person" thinks they need to hear honestly its not your place to dish out messages that are rude leave all the rude crud for the real world!

This is our hobby playground suppose to be full of support fun and entertainment not a palce for someone to be a bully!

Anyways continue on just my 2 cents...Oh yes as well I have met the OP and he is far from rude or anything other than a gentleman!
That's my personal experience just saying
SknyDiva's Avatar
I put my thread back on track. My comment was meant for April cox. But nope you made it all about you... Ok let's. You message me abou! About what) Your butthurt!!! I was polite. anyone wanna know what was there I will send it.
I got your BROWNIE POINTS southerndudette.

Kiss kiss :moo n:
I got your BROWNIE POINTS southerndudette.

Kiss kiss :moo n: Originally Posted by SknyDiva
I want you.
annie@christophers's Avatar
why when I think hes a fucking cry baby and I can post it right here.??.. Hes on everyones threads starting shit then crying to mods?? DUDE/CHICK ?? LMAOF...WHAT MAN COMES ON A HOOKER BOARD SCREAMING FOUL ?? Oh yea...THIS ONE... AN ALERT? Cause skny told ya to get off her thread.? She should have left ya...that qualified for a PUSSY post if i ever saw one... LOL and ths is my 2 cents.. Xoxo Annie
CocoBrown's Avatar
clients should stay in a client's place. If you don't like her, what do you have to gain by slandering her name on the board starting shit to try to achieve your goal of vengeance? Just plain immature. If you had a bad experience, and she isn't your cup of tea, then either exit the hobby or find another provider that makes you happy! Anything else is simply ignorance. If other clients choose to see her, its not up to you to try and stop them... get a fucking life! Or better yet, if you don't like what she said, go home to your wife and talk shit to her about it, because I know I am one that could care less, the alert section is to post about IMPORTANT THINGS... LIKE RAPISTS, ROBBERS, AND THE POLICE! Which is my main concern to remain safe in this hobby, so take it to the mens room sucka