
Hello all! First and foremost I want to thank each and every one of you that have been so kind and wanting to reconnect with me. It really warms my heart.

Today must have been sh*t on Brooke day. Anyone that has ever met me knows how I started, what I had to do before even starting an appointment and most important is that I am too trusting.

Not one but two gents(so I thought) shorted me. So because of that I ask this question... How should I handle the donations moving forward.

I do know that no date will start until I am 100% sure all funds are there. When I worked for EENY I had to physically count the money before the date. To me that isn't GFE! I don't want to have to put out my hand and ask for said donation amount. But I also don't take it lightly that I was shorted $40.00 one date and $60.00 the next. That was a potential extra $100.00 that could have bought me groceries, paid a bill, bought me more outfits or toys for a date even!!!

Gents please feel free to chime in also on how you handle this and what you prefer, like/wouldn't like.

I always make it clear when confirming appointments the date, time and donation.

That sucks, and not in a good way....... I've been ripped off by 'providers' but never done it to someone else ...... Bad Karma.. But it's probably just part of the risk of being in the Hobby .......... On either side of the deal. If we ever meet I'll be happy to let you count whatever you want to.

Best regards,
oklib's Avatar
  • oklib
  • 12-29-2016, 12:45 PM
Are they on this site ??? If not put Laker and I on the case
You can always keep supplies near where the money is placed. They when you get the condom or whatever, you can do a quick spread and count at the same time without it being so obvious. You can take a little extra time in the drawer to find the right lotion if you need more time to count.
Amber Does's Avatar
Yes what Egg said.
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Some girls have the gentleman excuse himself to the restroom when they arrive. Put the donation on the counter. You can go in to freshen up and count before you get started. Of course the protocol would be on your showcase so they would know what to do with the money.
If I see a new lady I always hand her the money and have her count it, that way there is no reason for any discrepancies on either our parts. Most ladies I see again then just tell me to set the donation down or stick it away not even counting. Why scam a lady especially if you might want to see her again? She may figure a way to get back at you if she even decides to see you again.
bustybabygirl's Avatar
I feel very uncomfortable if someone directly hands me the money as soon as they walk in the door. Most gents just set it down somewhere and that's fine.
jokacz's Avatar
I always thought that whole envelope business was a load of crap. I just hand them the money. I ain't lookin' for a girlfriend, experience or otherwise
Next Best Thing's Avatar
This is what you get when you deal with young kids or other undesirables.

These are the same people who shoplift and sneak into movies.

Use your instincts and stay away from troublemakers. You work in an unregulated field and do not have to concern yourself with political correctness or anything of the sort. Insignificant issue.
Thank you all for the wise words, ideas and suggestions.

I know for a fact one of the two is on the board, I do believe the other is as well. I don't want to stoop to their level and "out" them but I will also never be a reference for either one. And both need to pay what they owe me plus the date if either one does reach out for a date.

The sad part is, I would be willing to see both again. I have had gents in the past "short" me but its been because the 20's are fresh and stick together and they always have come back when I realized.

I guess for now, until I can trust people again, if that is even possible in this biz, I will have to count it out before the fun. I know a lot of guys want that GFE experience but in reality we all know there is no GFE going on.

I was more hurt that two people would think that they could tell me what my time is worth, not obey the donations. My rates are stated, and if guys ask for HH/lesser amounts I kindly decline.

Oh well, I went out and had a drink!! I am much happier now. Glad I had the extra money to make sure that the person whom I used their place as an incall wasn't shorted either!!
Are they on this site ??? If not put Laker and I on the case Originally Posted by oklib
Laker and I speak daily!! We actually have been in contact since the first time I have met him. He will try to say that sometimes he is a PITA but in reality, he's an amazing man and friend!
Next Best Thing's Avatar
You gain nothing by becoming sanctimonious about being fucked over by low-lives.

There are scores of insincere scumbags on both sides of the transaction in this and any other illegal enterprise. Just take a look at three quarters of the posturing and lying that takes place here on a daily basis.

Losing $100 seems lightweight and I would look at it as the cost of doing business.
lilylivered's Avatar
Count it up. wont offend me any
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Thank you all for the wise words, ideas and suggestions.

I have had gents in the past "short" me but its been because the 20's are fresh and stick together Originally Posted by BrookeButtons
If the bills stick, wouldn't you receive extra money rather than short? On the ideas and suggestions, it'd be nice if you update the showcase pics. Fellas love recent pics to set realistic expectations whew