Contacting Favorite Provider not for app't

do you guys contact your favorite provider occasionally outside of appointment times? in other words a text or call to say "hey whats up or how you doing?" thought about you or see u soon? nothing annoying or stalking, just a stay in touch moment..
how about you providers, do you like hearing from one of your great clients occasionally? just a short note or message about how hot you are or youre on my mind?? i'm sure there are providers who have those favorite guys they really look forward to seeing...
Yeah I do sometimes. Some providers may not like it cause they may get texts from a lot of dudes and it overwhelms them/blows up their phone constantly. Others don't mind u can text or call them anytime. What's annoying is when you text them and they don't reply for hours, days, or weeks and you're wondering what the heck is going on and in limbo smh.
Skip_8's Avatar
Nope, not really. There is absolutely no need to unless I'm wanting to schedule something.
These girls have their lives outside the hobby and so do I.

Never have...well I did once after she hit me up but that's a different story.

As a good rule of thumb, I would not as you are not the only one and you are not "special". If you are "special", then it's probably in Carlos Mencia's Dee Dee Dee way.

I am like Skip,. I seldom to never just text out of the blue. and I rarely get a text from a Provider...
moonshiner's Avatar
Nope they don't want to hear from you except when you are setting an appointment to give them money.
They are hookers renting their time, not your friends.

Perhaps you feel you're special and they should want to hear from you on their time off?
I assure you there are 50 other misguided clients all hogging up their time when they are not working.
Do you actually think these girls you find attractive, do not have someone in their lives they actually want to spend time with?
I know I know, they are hookers and couldn't possibly have normal lives outside this hobby, because in your universe you are that cool.
A sure sign a hooker wants to talk with you on her off time is, SHE will call you.
ck1942's Avatar
Contacts absent an intent to commit to an appointment, imo, should be very limited. In both directions, imo.

Aside from my regular EMs/PMs about community meet and greet socials, I try to limit my communicatios to necessary items, such as,

-- a provider posts she has a new phone and asks her gents to contact her to obtain

-- a provider posts something which sparks my interest, but to which I would rather reply privately, not publicly

-- something happens inside or outside the community that I feel would be of interest to a certain provider or two.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
I have many hobbyist that text me all the time with just normal everyday conversation. Imo I would say that overall for these people I'm good or even great friends with. Also I go out with some them for just fun stuff like dinner, movies, events,ect thats not on the clock. I wouldn't call it a date but just friends meeting up to have a good time. The is nothing wrong about being able to f*ck your friend for $, it helps keep the lines straight, imo. Yes, I truly value the friendships I have developed over the last few years.
moonshiner's Avatar
Spoken like a provider with shitloads of free time and no SO.
Just curious between all these text, and posting non stop, when is it you actually work?
Never mind
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Aka -moonshiner the online stalker
Whispers's Avatar
I have many hobbyist that text me all the time with just normal everyday conversation. Imo I would say that overall for these people I'm good or even great friends with. Also I go out with some them for just fun stuff like dinner, movies, events,ect thats not on the clock. I wouldn't call it a date but just friends meeting up to have a good time. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
It's mostly just marketing for the OIOs..... Rather common with the BBWs struggling for business.

The is nothing wrong about being able to f*ck your friend for $, it helps keep the lines straight, imo. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix

hanging out with and dating clients helps "keep the lines straight"? Many guys here are extremely dysfunctional and easily come to believe that kind of behavior means they are special to a provider and often lines for them become blurred.

What's wronag with you or your personal life that you have so much time to devote here and have to find companionship in the client pool?
I have many hobbyist that text me all the time with just normal everyday conversation. Imo I would say that overall for these people I'm good or even great friends with. Also I go out with some them for just fun stuff like dinner, movies, events,ect thats not on the clock. I wouldn't call it a date but just friends meeting up to have a good time. The is nothing wrong about being able to f*ck your friend for $, it helps keep the lines straight, imo. Yes, I truly value the friendships I have developed over the last few years. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
Yeah that's awesome. It's just having fun. Especially for the younger clients and providers in here like myself, there's plenty of time to do all these things, it's called having a full fun life and good times
Whispers's Avatar
Yeah that's awesome. It's just having fun. Especially for the younger clients and providers in here like myself, there's plenty of time to do all these things, it's called having a full fun life and good times Originally Posted by galaxon00
A full fun life and good times usually involves real world relationships and friends and NOT the company of whores Jade. You really should drop this pretense.
Mr Peabody's Avatar
I'm one of those time wasting mongers who sends emails to escs whom I might want to see, or who I might have something in common with. If I feel that I might be imposing on their time, I will try to compensate them with ~$5 per email. Why is this any difference from other people you meet online?
A full fun life and good times usually involves real world relationships and friends and NOT the company of whores. Originally Posted by Whispers
If u wanna have fun just in real life, why even hobby, isn't that the whole point of it? Also just cause a guy wants to text or go out with his favorite provider that means both of them don't have a other relationships and friends? That's asinine.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Lol,see what I mean that a certain "it" needs help. It fully admits to dating, marries, amd having sugerbabies but then turns around and posts that nonsense. Smh