Provider Pricing Example 4 - Kitty Bunny Fuck (Professor SL Class Project)

Whispers's Avatar
In conjunction with Professor SL's Class provider's will be presented here for you to comment on and assign a price to based on your interpretation of the Provider's Looks, TCB, Services and Reputation.

The question being... At what Hourly Rate would you see Kitty Bunny Fuck?

Comments, Showcase Critiques, Suggestions are encouraged.
3daygetaway's Avatar
I've never seen KBF, but I'll share my perspective as an example of why she might be missing business.

First, I believe she is a minion of another provider and consummate yes-man. That's a turn off.

Second, she's fluffy. Now, I've had some great sex as a fluffy person and with fluffy people, but unless you are a novelty item at 600lbs+, I don't want to pay a premium.

Third, the pussy trick is SO appealing to me, except I hate doggy, and I understand that is how the magic happens.

Fourth, her list DONTS is longer than her list of dos.

Fifth, she gives off a vibe I don't like: it is something akin to pretentiousness. As she says, we all get to choose who we see. I probably won't.

I remain curious about the trick, but some of the other factors make me leery. To get me in the door, the price would have to be $150/hhr. Since there are no OTC activities listed, I assume she's watching the clock and thus, I'm coming with one purpose and then adios.

She thinks she's a thoroughbred; I think she's a novelty act at best and otherwise in the Jackass category...mind you, this is the perspective of a non-participant
Eraserman's Avatar
I'm enjoying your commentaries in these. Very perceptive. And entertaining.
justaphase's Avatar
I have found Eryn's commentary far more entertaining (and accurate)
Raikage's Avatar
KBF is a bbw at 300/hr ... a bbw .... at 300/hr. In order to earn that you would have to offer alot of bonuses for a bbw.
But I am very biased as I consider KBF to be a friend so I cannot judge.
Still Looking's Avatar
View Poll Results: At what Hourly Rate would you see Kitty Bunny Fuck?
$400 (or more) 0 0%
$350 1 5.00%
$300 0 0%
$280 0 0%
$260 0 0%
$250 0 0%
$240 0 0%
$220 0 0%
$200 4 20.00%
I wouldn't 15 75.00%
Still Looking's Avatar
A wonder lady and sweet person! Yes I have met her!
Treetop78759's Avatar
I just voted. Sorry for the delay.
Fletchlives's Avatar
I have tried a couple of times to see KBF. Could never make it work logistically. If you watch she offers the occasional special. Very interested in the "trick"!
I have never had the pleasure of this ladies company. I don't think we are compatible. I do like the way she writes, though.
Little Monster's Avatar
fun2come's Avatar
Don't know her, not my preference at this time from info on this site.
Don't know her, not my preference at this time from info on this site. Originally Posted by fun2come
Likewise. She should get out more and meet people, might change peoples' minds...
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
I've been with KBF. She's a sweet kid with a bubbly personality. She knows how to suck dick and she does it very well. Her pussy is constantly tight and I've had the pleasure of her doing the "trick" on me a few times and it was awesome! I'll keep seeing her as she is one of my regulars.
At the price point she has set she's getting it and yes reviews.
So at the end of the day,the poll don't mean shit.
'Cept more bitter tripe outta Whispers and posse...