Fun last night and great to meet the new folks "socializing!"

ck1942's Avatar
Long day for me, but the rewards were multiple! New ladies, new gents, long time folks unseen for a while but re-seen and some great camaraderie and fellowship.

btw, "fellow-ship" encompasses all genders. ijs

Per the usual, only those there may reveal their presence.

Sorry I could not muster enough energy to "after party" but my spirit was definitely there, I think, and return to San Antonio for tonight's event was boring and safe.

Re-energized, I am and expecting some of the folks in Austin who said they'd be in San Antonio to brave the I-35 daunts to join us.

Great crew, Austin!
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I'm glad you are feeling better this morning ck. I hope things continue to get better today.
Thanks CK. As usual you hosted a fantastic social where lots of new people attended.

I am to the point now that the only way I will see a new lady is to first meet her at a social, and then we both know each other and that we will be compatible in the future.

Thanks for helping meet a lot of really cool people.
Jed Clampett's Avatar
One of these days, I need to try to attend an Austin Social. I'm looking forward to the social tonight in San Antonio.
MarianX's Avatar
I had such a great time! Looking forward to the next.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 04-13-2017, 10:43 AM
Thanks, ck for yet another awesome event.

It was great to see the usual suspects and the lovely new faces (and figures!)

Thanks, ck for yet another awesome event.

It was great to see the usual suspects and the lovely new faces (and figures!)

z Originally Posted by ztonk
"... lovely new faces (and figures!)"

To hear the Grand Poobah(Whispers) of all things Pusswah, only over the hill slobs and slobettes show up for ck's events.
Ya mean he is just runnin' his mouth and just tellin' stories?
Say it ain't so!

Regardless,it sounds you had a good time and are putting the bad times behind ya.
quzi's Avatar
  • quzi
  • 04-13-2017, 07:54 PM
love these shindigs! thanks CK!
Thanks ck
I hobby only occasionally, and some of the time that I do it, it's visiting an AMP when I'm up in Dallas. So it's rare for me to have two usable references within about 90 days to get screened. But I'd really like to start coming to these socials to meet more of the community, and I figure the best references are the providers that actually go to socials. So if you went and are reading this, PM me to see about setting something up. I get a session and a reference, and you get a client and a review. Everyone wins!