DFW Best Singles and Doubles IOP

Well it's my bday week and was looking to hobby a bit more in celebration of making it another year. But after my last appt, where i thought she was gfe by her reviews and she was not, i want to make sure to avoid that. So in your opinion, who are the best singles and doubles for iop? Thanks in advance!
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
For singles, BellaFtWorth
For doubles, BellaFtWorth and her friend
sparrow1122's Avatar
Chip, Sir Lance is right on with Bella. Melannie Star can take care of ya in Arlington.
Have a happy bday!
Papacorn's Avatar
Laura Lynn and Kendall 4U are amazing / both super GFE, and very into each other. See the IOP thread for the lack of illusion on either ones part.

Choose well and enjoy !
Research, read reviews. . .someone else's best may or may not click with you. Tons of great ladies here. Look for consistency in reviews. Don't just look at the poster," popular" ladies, seek UTR as well. Remember, anyone can yell and holler for a dollar. Seek one who really enjoys intimacy, where it's not an "illusion" .

Good Luck
pmdelites's Avatar
...Remember, anyone can yell and holler for a dollar. Seek one who really enjoys intimacy, where it's not an "illusion".

Good Luck Originally Posted by Eva Damita
Eva, well said!!!!!!!!!!!

a woman who is down to earth, understands this sub-culture, communicates well, skilled, intimate, enjoys our time together fully ===> describes many of my favs. and why they are my favs!
berkleigh's Avatar
Berkleigh and Sweet Kendall, duh ... lol
Numbersboy's Avatar
Berkleigh and Sweet Kendall, duh ... lol Originally Posted by berkleigh
verygood69's Avatar
Berkleigh and Sweet Kendall, duh ... lol Originally Posted by berkleigh
Can we get an AMEN 😍
And if one craves a double dose of chocolatey goodness, Eva Damita and BSB ...
RAMP's Avatar
  • RAMP
  • 10-28-2014, 04:51 PM
Smurphydoesdallas and Piper made me feel like a drunk chick in a frat house. And yes, I asked for it.
privatecollections's Avatar
Thank you RAMP. You naughty little whore ;-)
berkleigh's Avatar
Can we get an AMEN 😍 Originally Posted by verygood69
yohimbebrother's Avatar
And if one craves a double dose of chocolatey goodness, Eva Damita and BSB ... Originally Posted by Eva Damita
And if one craves a double dose of chocolatey goodness, Eva Damita and BSB ... Originally Posted by Eva Damita
I second that notion!