Ronald Reagan passed away ten years ago today...........

Ronald Reagan passed away ten years ago today...........

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Which has what to do with D-Day? Reagan spent his war in Hollywood making propaganda films, his lies about it to various high-level White House visitors notwithstanding.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Ronald Reagan (why did you feel a need to insult RR anyway) joined the US Army reserve in 1937. He was in the reserves four years before the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. When we went to war his eye sight and age worked against him. However, he had significant pull in Hollywood. He was one of the top dogs and the government needed the support of Hollywood and they gave it. Ronald Reagan was in charge of the unit that coordinated USO tours, celebrity bond tours, using real heros to honor the troops, and making films to promote the war (a different Hollywood in those days). Reagan was all over setting things up and making it work. It was real training to be an executive leader. No actor in Hollywood today can claim anything close to that experience. So why did you think you had to insult Reagan? Kind of like Pavlov's dog. You see a picture of Reagan and your brain explodes....you're brainwashed Timmie.

As for the OP, no one has come close to the words and feelings expressed by Ronald Reagan at Normandy. Clinton went there to make PR videos and hit on young French girls. I'm curious to what Obama will do, aren't you?
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm curious to what Obama will do, aren't you? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Since he publicly begged Putin to show up, ...

.... I figure he has more ass-kissing planned for Putin.
  • CVO99
  • 06-06-2014, 04:18 AM
[QUOTE=LexusLover;1055405093]Since he publicly begged Putin to show up, ...

.... I figure he has more ass-kissing planned for Putin.[/QUOTE ]
Up early feeding the chicken
Since he publicly begged Putin to show up, ...

.... I figure he has more ass-kissing planned for Putin.[/QUOTE ]
Up early feeding the chicken Originally Posted by LexusLover
No, but Lexi Liar is up early chokin' his chicken.

When he is able to locate it, of course!
LexusLover's Avatar

No, but Lexi Liar is up early chokin' his chicken. Originally Posted by CVO99
Quit obsessing about my junk. Please, BigTitsLiar.
Ronald Reagan (why did you feel a need to insult RR anyway) joined the US Army reserve in 1937. He was in the reserves four years before the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. When we went to war his eye sight and age worked against him. However, he had significant pull in Hollywood. He was one of the top dogs and the government needed the support of Hollywood and they gave it. Ronald Reagan was in charge of the unit that coordinated USO tours, celebrity bond tours, using real heros to honor the troops, and making films to promote the war (a different Hollywood in those days). Reagan was all over setting things up and making it work. It was real training to be an executive leader. No actor in Hollywood today can claim anything close to that experience. So why did you think you had to insult Reagan? Kind of like Pavlov's dog. You see a picture of Reagan and your brain explodes....you're brainwashed Timmie.

As for the OP, no one has come close to the words and feelings expressed by Ronald Reagan at Normandy. Clinton went there to make PR videos and hit on young French girls. I'm curious to what Obama will do, aren't you? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Reagan was 30 years old when WW2 started. Average age of a trooper serving in that war was 26. His age wasn't against him. He was just the first in a long line of prominent Republicans who talked a good game but left the fighting, dying and killing to others, the last GOP POTUS included.

Why are you defending Reagan? You would vilify and hate on any republican that appeared on today's political landscape and espoused his political philosophy....increased taxes, immigration amnesty, gun control, etc etc etc. I never cease to be amazed at how you idiots act like Reagan was the 2nd coming of Christ but you all disagree with virtually everything he stood for politically. Reagan would be appalled at the current state of the GOP and would shun the teabaggers. He believed in getting things done for the good of the country, not in gridlock, obfuscation and intolerance.
boardman's Avatar
Wasn't Reagan a registered Democrat until the 60's?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Reagan was 30 years old when WW2 started. Average age of a trooper serving in that war was 26. His age wasn't against him. He was just the first in a long line of prominent Republicans who talked a good game but left the fighting, dying and killing to others, the last GOP POTUS included.

Why are you defending Reagan? You would vilify and hate on any republican that appeared on today's political landscape and espoused his political philosophy....increased taxes, immigration amnesty, gun control, etc etc etc. I never cease to be amazed at how you idiots act like Reagan was the 2nd coming of Christ but you all disagree with virtually everything he stood for politically. Reagan would be appalled at the current state of the GOP and would shun the teabaggers. He believed in getting things done for the good of the country, not in gridlock, obfuscation and intolerance. Originally Posted by timpage
I liked Reagan's remark about Speaker Tip - he said the guy reminds him of PacMan - big, round, and eats money!!!
It was Bill Clinton who avoided service; loathed the military, but as president wrapped himself in the trappings of Commander In Chief...talk about phony..... George Bush served, and was widely loved by those serving under him............Clinton was not !

Far be-you-the one to judge Bush when it comes to fidelity to the military......the military overwhelmingly voted for Bush and NOT for Clinton or Obama. Most recently the military favored Romney over Obama by a factor of 2:1.

Oh yeah, and I bet the military vote favored Reagan over Carter and Reagan over Mondale....so fuck you, idiot.

Your need to use a D Day thread to trash President Reagan speaks to how pathetic you really are.


Reagan was 30 years old when WW2 started. Average age of a trooper serving in that war was 26. His age wasn't against him. He was just the first in a long line of prominent Republicans who talked a good game but left the fighting, dying and killing to others, the last GOP POTUS included.

Why are you defending Reagan? You would vilify and hate on any republican that appeared on today's political landscape and espoused his political philosophy....increased taxes, immigration amnesty, gun control, etc etc etc. I never cease to be amazed at how you idiots act like Reagan was the 2nd coming of Christ but you all disagree with virtually everything he stood for politically. Reagan would be appalled at the current state of the GOP and would shun the teabaggers. He believed in getting things done for the good of the country, not in gridlock, obfuscation and intolerance. Originally Posted by timpage
BigLouie's Avatar
I have more respect for Jimmy Stewart who fly bomber missions during the war.
LexusLover's Avatar
It was Bill Clinton who avoided service; loathed the military, but as president wrapped himself in the trappings of Commander In Chief...talk about phony..... George Bush served, and was widely loved by those serving under him............Clinton was not !

Far be-you-the one to judge Bush when it comes to fidelity to the military......the military overwhelmingly voted for Bush and NOT for Clinton or Obama. Most recently the military favored Romney over Obama by a factor of 2:1.

Oh yeah, and I bet the military vote favored Reagan over Carter and Reagan over Mondale....so fuck you, idiot.

Your need to use a D Day thread to trash President Reagan speaks to how pathetic you really are.

FACT JACK Originally Posted by Whirlaway
As usual, you're a dimwit. What does who the military votes for have to do with our discussion? Reagan dodged combat duty and pranced around Hollywood making propaganda movies during WW2. The he lied about it when President to various other heads of state, claiming he had been in the ETO and had visited and filmed at a concentration camp. That's the fact and you can sit on it and rotate moron.

The closest Shrub came to combat was pretending like he was still a pilot when he landed on an aircraft carrier for his infamous "MIssion Accomplished" speech. As for his military service, his story is the same as Reagans: he used his father's celebrity and connections to avoid combat and serving in Vietnam and got a plum National Guard assignment....and he couldn't even manage to show up and finish that obligation.

And, what's pathetic is you using the D-Day anniversary to act like Reagan did shit worth mentioning in the war or the invasion. He did neither and doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence with D-Day veterans.

Those are the facts fuckface.....shove them up your ass one at a time.
Like I said your comment regarding Reagan were out of place in a thread about D-Day and paying respect to the sacrifices of that day.

You used the thread to bash Reagan; I responded, that Reagan was more liked than any fucking president you have voted for, especially popular with the military...and the same can be said of Bush.

Again, Bill Clinton loathed the military and ducked out of any service. George Bush served, Reagan served.

The men in uniform voted overwhelming against both Obama and Clinton - Like Clinton, Obama's job approval among the military is even lower than among civilians. -I'll stand with with those who served!

You are a fucking low life using this thread to take cheap shots about D Day and anyone who has been in uniform since; especially Bush compared to your Clinton and ChoomGang Obama!

The question remains: Why are you such a fucking loser ? A pathetic loser.