Another "unreported" by the drive by media

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  • 03-11-2017, 11:18 AM Originally Posted by Cherie
You do realize that they are using this to try and shut down all sexual activity for money? Including your business, they think you are part of the problem.

Kinda like they think a few bad apples in Mexico means we should get rid of all.

It is called throwing the baby out with the dirty bath water.

Stupid as fuc and you are being stupid for falling for it.

They need to get anybody out of the business held against their will but that is a very very small number.
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  • 03-11-2017, 12:43 PM Originally Posted by Cherie
Was the agent for Rodger Clemens invilved in sex trafficking? Your link counted the 178 people arrested before the Super Bowl as tell me just how honest that web site Breibart News is. Trump should get no credit for thos, in fact he should be kicked in the balls for giving this nut jobs a platform to lie from.

Trump is basically a Sugar Daddy....and I see nothingwrong with that but this nutty group would call that sex trafficking!

Try and educate yourself b4 posting stupid ass links that are full of lies.
Was the agent for Rodger Clemens invilved in sex trafficking? Your link counted the 178 people arrested before the Super Bowl as tell me just how honest that web site Breibart News is. Trump should get no credit for thos, in fact he should be kicked in the balls for giving this nut jobs a platform to lie from.

Trump is basically a Sugar Daddy....and I see nothingwrong with that but this nutty group would call that sex trafficking!

Try and educate yourself b4 posting stupid ass links that are full of lies. Originally Posted by WTF
First it is not Breibart reporting it, second, it says "pedophiles" which equals youngsters usually quit young, not ones being held against their will. Usually with the young girls and boys, they are lured in like a fish.
First it is not Breibart reporting it, second, it says "pedophiles" which equals youngsters usually quit young, not ones being held against their will. Usually with the young girls and boys, they are lured in like a fish. Originally Posted by Cherie
you shouldn't waste your time with WTFuggly him and Stan-the-Stupid are butt buddies
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  • 03-11-2017, 01:27 PM
First it is not Breibart reporting it, second, it says "pedophiles" which equals youngsters usually quit young, not ones being held against their will. Usually with the young girls and boys, they are lured in like a fish. Originally Posted by Cherie
Yes and I just pointed out a flaw in their reporting. They included the 179 arrests in Houston as sex trafficking/pedophiles.

I then gave you the link to one of the arrests in Houston...nothing further from the truth that sex trafficking or pedophiles on the story you posted.
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  • 03-11-2017, 01:37 PM

Couldn't find the number in US. Originally Posted by wordup666

The story she linked tried to say that all arrest were due to trafficking. ..which was a total lie.

Nobody defends sex trafficking but it is a ruse used to shutdown all forms of prostitution.

Comparing the two is like comparing a lighten bug to a bolt of lightening
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  • 03-11-2017, 01:52 PM

Couldn't find the number in US. Originally Posted by wordup666

They can not even find enough prostitutes to justify the court costs of the new diversion courts.

Suprise suprise....the moral police lying about sex trafficking to secure funds to shut down ALL forms of prostitution.
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If 0zombies had a soul's, they would jump off a high bridge...

Yes and I just pointed out a flaw in their reporting. They included the 179 arrests in Houston as sex trafficking/pedophiles.

I then gave you the link to one of the arrests in Houston...nothing further from the truth that sex trafficking or pedophiles on the story you posted. Originally Posted by WTF
Pedoestaboy your days are numbered, just like others...
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  • 03-11-2017, 06:01 PM
Pedoestaboy your days are numbered, just like others...
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You fucking welfare queen, dipshit Cherie posted anothe fake news story.

It is another way that the religious right has teamed up with the Feminist Nazi that hate prostitution. They just lie and make shot up. With very little research, it was easy to determine that the 179 number they included in Houston as sex trafficking was just hookers and johns , nothing more.

They are doing exactly what Trump has done with this travel ban. No different than the left does when they try and outlaw guns because of an isolated shooting.

Your ignorance is par for the course ...

You and that silly bitch try and turn a lie into partisan politics.

When really it is about government trying yo shutdown prostitution across the board!

Fucking stupidity in this forum is scary. You'd think a political forum would have a few fuckers that understood politics.
You fucking welfare queen, dipshit Cherie posted anothe fake news story.

It is another way that the religious right has teamed up with the Feminist Nazi that hate prostitution. They just lie and make shot up. With very little research, it was easy to determine that the 179 number they included in Houston as sex trafficking was just hookers and johns , nothing more.

They are doing exactly what Trump has done with this travel ban. No different than the left does when they try and outlaw guns because of an isolated shooting.

Your ignorance is par for the course ...

You and that silly bitch try and turn a lie into partisan politics.

When really it is about government trying yo shutdown prostitution across the board!

Fucking stupidity in this forum is scary. You'd think a political forum would have a few fuckers that understood politics. Originally Posted by WTF
You are lying, 0zombie lover.

This ain't about consenting adults. It's about forbidden subject...


Get a Grip! 0zombie from Meyerland...
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  • 03-11-2017, 06:46 PM
You are lying, 0zombie lover.

This ain't about consenting adults. It's about forbidden subject...


Get a Grip! 0zombie from Meyerland... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
That is exactly wtf it is about, did you read the link Cherie provided?

178 people were arrested in Texas for sex trafficking in sting that operated in January until Super Bowl Sunday.

That is an utter and complete lie. Yes, 178 people were arrested but not for sex trafficking. Most were lured in by LE Backpage ads for consenting adults.

The reason they are getting away with lying is because of ignorant fuckers like you believing anything Trump or a Trump crybaby article may say.

There were no 178 people arrested for sex trafficking in Houston before the Super Bowl. They are doing the exact same thing Trump did....tell a lie long enough until people believe it.

Their goal is to shut down all forms of prostitution, including you paying men to let you lick their old Trump like asses.

Think about it....they claim we are a trafficking hub, yet very few cases are ever reported about actual human trafficking ...I mean damn, if there was hundreds of thousands of sex workers being trafficked, you'd think Johnny Law could find more than just a few cases a year.