What kind of high crimes and misdemeanors can we nail this bitch on ?

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Four more years?

I can't even see 1 more year of this trainwreck. Let's find a way to impeach this lil bitch.

The Constitution says a President can only be impeached for “Treason, Bribery and other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

In other words, general nastiness — like, say, belittling the press or feuding with a Gold Star family — isn't impeachable. Nor is presidential incompetence; the Framers of the Constitution chose not to include “maladministration” in the clause, with James Madison arguing it was too “vague.”

The emoluments clause

Trump's most likely path to an impeachable offense, experts say, could come from this obscure anti-bribery clause in the Constitution.

The emoluments clause says the President cannot “accept any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatsoever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.”

In other words: No gifts from foreign leaders or diplomats.

With his tangle of business interests worldwide — and his refusal to officially cut ties with them — Trump may have been pushing the envelope on this ever since he won the election.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Four more years?

I can't even see 1 more year of this trainwreck. Let's find a way to impeach this lil bitch.

The Constitution says a President can only be impeached for “Treason, Bribery and other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
"Presents" & "emoluments" like those hildebeest and Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator tried to steal when they moved out of the White House in 2001, Shit-stained Chapped-ass? Didn't the dim-retards choose to run hildebeest as their candidate even AFTER she tried to steal those "presents" & "emoluments", Shit-stained Chapped-ass?
Four more years?

I can't even see 1 more year of this trainwreck. Let's find a way to impeach this lil bitch.

The Constitution says a President can only be impeached for “Treason, Bribery and other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Correction: 8 more years
Look, you had your chance for 8 years and the black guy fucked it up. Deal with it.
Buddys Place's Avatar
Trump has a lot of crap to clean up.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
^ Yeah In his ass for sure