Old school foooking dancer dorm!

Do any of you old school foooking playas remember dancer dorm across from old Rick's galleria, now Onyx. It waz a bad ass building foooking loaded with cams. Mofos would pay to watch a laday ever move. The chickos lived there. Eric of Rick's is a foooking beast. I waz working washing cars nearby and went every day. I wanted dat dancer dorm action so bad so I talked to my Patna at night move rag. Went over and jumped in that jacuzzi with Dem ladas. It never occurred to me Shine was on that cam and sum weirdo was relieving himself watching Shine rub on dat Blondie tatas. Foooking great memories. I miss Rick's Galleria and Dancer dorm.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Do any of you old school foooking playas remember gay dancer Norm across from old Rick's galleria, now Onyx. It waz a bad ass building foooking loaded with cums. Mofos would pay to watch a ladyboy ever move. The chicos lived there. Eric of Rick's is a foooking beast. I waz working washing cocks nearby and went every day. I wanted dat dancer Norm action so bad so I stroked my Patna at night move rag. Went over and jumped on that BWC with my mouf. It never occurred to me Shine was on that cum and sum weirdo was stroking himself watching Shine rub on dat Blondie beefcake.. Foooking great memories. I miss Eric's Cock and Dancer Norm. Originally Posted by shinepro
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 03-04-2018, 04:23 AM
^STFU. Its too early in the morning to be laughing this hard. I woke up my pup. She just gave me the shit eye.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Yo SP, you still need to enroll in a remedial English class.
He can speak English just fine. We know that from his previous handle.