Watch the Gulf this weekend

Looks like another hurricane is heading to the northern Gulf, early projection shows it heading east of the MS coast but those things change.

Here's the projection:
And now we're dead center. Wonderful.
kiki2012's Avatar
It should stay as a tropical storm?! Been watching weather channel. Makes me a nervous wreck
It would be great if it did stay a tropical storm but everything I'm hearing is it's going to probably be a Cat 1 at landfall. Even Cat 1's can cause havoc so play on the safe side for your sake.
Forecast path is tightening up.

Strength forecast is still wide ranging from moderate TS to very weak Cat2, with probable weak Cat 1 most likely.

Either way, a weak Cat 1 or strong TS can still fark your day.
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Watch out! Jim Cantore is on the Coast.
Saw a pic on Facebook of Jim Cantori, around the beaches of Gulfport and Biloxi this afternoon. When he shows up, you know you’re pretty well f___ed.
Oh shit.
Weather Channel + Jim Cantore = Your home town = 99% landfall accuracy.

Thanks Weather Channel for predicting Gulfport being the bullseye, especially on the big tourism event weekend of the year.
I just got back in this evening to take care of my home stuff in Hattiesburg, been on the road constant for almost three months but I been hearing strong Cat 1 and possibly weak Cat 2 if it does not stall out in the gulf. Just all please be safe....
A Nate has been promoted to Cat 1 Hurricane. Watch out for Cat 2, it is becoming more possible
DocHolyday's Avatar
Cat 1, Cat 2, TS whatever!! Y'all tarp it, fill up your cars, gas cans, have plenty of water and can food on hand. Get some gas on hand for a generator if you have one. Don't forget batteries for flashlights or kerosene for lamps if you have those. And for God's sake and your own, find high ground if you're in the storm surge path.

Be careful and God bless all of ya.
Vivian Gates's Avatar
This is really scary.. My 1st hurricane... Everyone stay safe.. I have a couple ideas to keep our minds daytime saturday
greyghost48's Avatar
You just might want to travel a little north in the state out of its path. There might be som adventures there as well. For sure be safe however it goes.