Everyone ok after the storm?

Cravinhead69's Avatar
Hoping everyone is ok after the storm. I only got a few small limbs from tree next door. No flooding in yard like usual.
coast_encounter's Avatar
Just a little fence damage at my house otherwise good to go. I heard that most of the damage was at the Casinos and restaurants on Hwy 90. Many got water from the surge in their lobbies. All and all, it could have been much worse though.
biomed1's Avatar

I hope they were filming a car commercial


Here is the link to his twitter account if you want to see the rest of his Videos/Photos.

Mike Theiss is the guy that rode out Katrina in a Gulfport hotel. Incredible footage. I saw his footage from Golden Nugget last night, the way he's going, he doesn't need a retirement plan.
Vivian Gates's Avatar
All good my way.. Few down brances..and the usual flooding for my neighborhood..
kiki2012's Avatar
I'm just so glad it went down to category 1!
Cravinhead69's Avatar
I'm just so glad it went down to category 1! Originally Posted by kiki2012
Where I am, it was no more than a thunderstorm. I think the media overhyped the crap out of it like they always do. Regardless, I'm glad it was pretty tame other than the flooding on hwy. 90.
We got lucky with this one.
Mr.Lee's Avatar
man yall were lucky even though it was a cat 1 i still got a good 4 or 5 feet of water , but thats because i live near a bayou
disizme2k16's Avatar
All fine by me, no damage and no flooding. Not even any limbs in the yard. And I had a first, got to be outside in the eye of a hurricane. One minute rain and wind, then it was just another night.
I saw few billboards that were beatup.

One of the churches lost their plastic/fiberglass steeple off the roof.

Saw a piece of roofing peeled back on a flat roof strip mall.

Somebody said they found a shingle in their front yard. Different color than their own roof, so all was good.

And a tree. Small, like 4" in diameter, was broken at the root.

Hmmmm, it seems a waterspout getting lost and finding land does more damage than Nate.