Hobby Privacy

KittyMeow's Avatar
Since when was it okay to start looking for providers personal facebook pages and getting their phone numbers??

I mean, I'm not sure how many Johns would like if a provider found their work phone and just called their job and started asking their boss about their appointment later. Or calling your home phone so that your wife can answer the phone and I can then leave her a message about your 6 pm massage.

I've had a few gents think it's okay to google the shit out of me until they find all of my personal information. My cell phone. Even one person wanted to OUT ME.

I try to be as discrete as possible as I am a well known model. and for my clients I do everything I can to keep your privacy just that.

I don't want my business and my hobbying to mix whatsoever. Any modeling jobs I do are just that...
and any sugar daddies I have or clients I see for fun is completely separate.
I never have and never will do anything with a photographer that I would do with a client. It just wouldn't make any sense!!!!

I think it's completely bogus for guys to go that far to try to contact me, that's a fool-proof way to get blocked and to never see me. my email and hobby phone is listed.

anyways who knows. It's my first week here and I already want to get a new number, get rid of my hobby phone, and go off the radar. too risky for my career to deal with johns who can't be discrete. I much rather like the sugar daddy type who has a career that he cannot afford to lose from leaving a paper trail or trail of facebook messages.

Thoughts? do you think it's okay to find providers personal pages and look at their family and such? Would you be okay with providers having all your personal information or contacting you on facebook or other very public sites?
Is total bs. I truly hope this works out for you...and as him or them, hope they rot.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Dear op,
I think you may enjoy a radio show
Beyond the Pole on http://www.rochesterfreeradio.com
low power so its best to listen over the web live(Sundays 5 pm) or by pod cast replay.
This very topic is one that comes up many times.
Show also has a FaceBook. Feel free to contact show, hell even ask to be on if ya want.
Tell Katrina Lee osd says hi mmmmm also so she remembers friend of Trinity step ma if you contact please and thank you.

The Web can be very ugly. So is it ok for a john to search the web for anything about a lady that has not been properly secured is the question. IMHO yes. guys should do homework for their safety if want to met up with. So anything found on web is fair game.

Now to use that info learned to in anyway to control or out her or even just contact her other than the way she posted on a SHMB. HELL FUCKING NO imho. A burned butt hobbyist should just move on to next like most do.

btw: lady's ahem have been known to blackmail clients on crap they have learned about a client. If just used for her safety no problem. But lady's also should not use info found for other than her safety. And contact him only by how he wants to be contacted.

A few lady's know way to much about me as I also on them. If I stopped seeing or they dumped my sorry ass. I hope and trust nether side of coin would become butt hurt. So thinking both sides should pick their poison with much care.


ps: I hope your first review will be a "yes". But please never worry much if a "no" pups up. And worth the time provider can out live a "no" fairly given or not fairly given.
shhhh but if ya want to bitch about a "no" review. Fair or not. Post in coed not the review as I love the drama

btw: the male stopper on the show seems a whiner to me. But I love his stories. Dang, make me think female clients worse than any from hell male client's that so far icky providers have bitched about on icky.
mmmmmm I need ta look up the review where a guy thought he did his homework first. But provider turned out to be his x-wife LOL
Ceremony's Avatar
Yeah, if it is out there on the internet people are going to look. There really isn't much effort involved and curiosity will take over. Doing anything with what is seen. That is a totally on the creep scale.
TheReal's Avatar
I do as much intel on a gal as I can, more so with the BP Betty's. It isn't hard with social media. They can find out info on me too, again easily attainable BUT I don't use it inappropriately. I don't have the interest to contact a provider outside of the activities we do. I don't want to follow her on Instagram, Twitter, KIK, or FB. I want discretion among both of us. I only want to be certain they are legit, again mainly for girl that aren't VPs on sites.

Side note: I know the identities of many VP's that I've seen because of FB. Doesn't matter if a VP doesn't have her real number attached, location tracking will provide info. So I meet a woman we are at the same place FB will file them in 'people you may know'...if this is a huge concern maybe stop using the accounts I mentioned.
lilylivered's Avatar
Hope ya stick around anyhow
lilylivered's Avatar
Once you have a review on here hopefully it will give information they want