54,876: Yes, with Trump in charge America is the Global leader....

Solemate62's Avatar
...in the number of people who have perished from the Virus under his stellar leadership! Although we have only 4.25% of the World’s population, our morbidly real death percentage is 27%. This is MAGA at its finest moment, right Trumptards? Remember, if you support Trump then you share the dubious credit for this Global Leading Statistic!

Trump Saves Millions!!! Liberals want more deaths. Originally Posted by eccielover
gfejunkie's Avatar
China should indeed be held accountable for their criminally negligent behavior.
adav8s28's Avatar
...in the number of people who have perished from the Virus under his stellar leadership! Although we have only 4.25% of the World’s population, our morbidly real death percentage is 27%. This is MAGA at its finest moment, right Trumptards? Remember, if you support Trump then you share the dubious credit for this Global Leading Statistic! Originally Posted by Solemate62
First Trump said it was

"Just one guy from China"
"Like magic it will just disappear"
"Everyone can get a test. It's a beautiful test."
"When the snow melts in April the corona virus will go dormant"

Then he asked the doctors what would happen if you gave the patient a disinfectant.

In the state of Maryland so many people called the hotline, the governor went on T.V. to tell Trump to stop giving out bad information.
JCM800's Avatar
This Trump guy seems like a real moron.

Who the fuck would elect such a person?

Solemate62's Avatar
... how many will you kill today?
Jaxson66's Avatar
Had those other countries leaders only ignored the experts reports on a probable new generation of a easily contracted deadly virus invading their country, they too could be competitive. Losers.

All hail the great leader for keeping Amerika #1
  • oeb11
  • 04-27-2020, 07:39 AM
j66- the amerika u desire is coming unless prevented - in the form of Ur One party anti-fa brownshirts and national socialist idiotology.

Move to Venezuela or north Korea for a taste - see how u like it!!
None so blind as those who will not see.
Had those other countries leaders only ignored the experts reports on a probable new generation of a easily contracted deadly virus invading their country, they too could be competitive.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Yeah sucks for us all Obama kept the country woefully unprepared after exhausting all the supplies.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Every day is 9/11.
Every day is 9/11. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Indeed. Only it's terrorist China taking out Americans every day now.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Terrorist Chump you mean.
Blame China.
Blame Obama.He has been gone almost 4 years.Any deficiencies should have been perceived by Chump and corrected.
We have our own intelligence community that operates independently of China and WHO.Chump should have listened to them.

Anymore you little whining chickenshits want to blame ? How about the Governors and the Media ? Did you forget them ?
How about the Governors and the Media ? Did you forget them ? Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Well, their culpability and actions have been discussed as well already and ignored by those trying to lay any and all blame on Trump.

But you knew they were guilty as well by posting that tripe. You are just trying to deflect now.
sportfisherman's Avatar
So we have a self declared whining chickenshit who does want to rationalize Chump's deficient behavior and absolve him of responsibility.
5.State and Local officials

All that matters is ;
What did Chump do ?
What did he not do ?
When did he do it ?

There is nothing to deflect. Chump is responsible for his own actions and inactions. This includes his failed response to this crisis.
There is nothing to deflect. Chump is responsible for his own actions and inactions. This includes his failed response to this crisis. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Which you guys cannot still show where he failed yet happily pile all blame at his fee.

It's hilarious watching you let everyone else off and blame Trump.

I'm all for moving forward and getting the country re-opened. But the likes of the OP and many posters in this thread are far more worried about politicizing it and almost salivating each time they can post new numbers of deaths, which thankfully are well, well below the DemPanic initial faulty numbers.