Obama Tweets While Congress Legislates !

Clueless on how to govern, Obama has nothing to do but tweet from his swivel chair in the oval office, while the House and Senate craft a bill to save the country from default !!! Even Dumb Harry was smart enought to cut Obama out of the process.

He might as well be golfing !!!!!

The guy is a joke. No plan, No budget, clueless !

Whirly, I am not a tweeter so I might be missing something, but................ how can you tell with any certainty that the Prez is actually sending a tweet?

Even if so, how can you tell that he is not tweeting House and Senate members his suggestions.

While on the subject, he could be authorizing American forces to take out another al Qaeda thug! Hmmmmmm!

Just sayin'
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-29-2011, 05:57 PM
how can you tell that he is not tweeting House and Senate members his suggestions. Originally Posted by bigtex
Or he could be communicating with his daughters. Heaven forbid a President should have a part in that nonsense.

Just more phony outrage from our idiot friends on the right.
waverunner234's Avatar
No, he is "strategically" dragging and dropping seedlings to slow down, weaken and confuse the zombies
confuse the zombies Originally Posted by waverunner234
I am not sure whether Whirly and Marshy Marshmellow qualify as "zombies," but it is pretty damn obvious they confuse easily!

As for the "zombie" connotation, that seems to be giving them both a little too much credit!
Actually here is Barry's latest tweet:

@dingyharry, HeY dUDE, Waat Up...hoW daT DefShit LEgisLAtion hapPPEn'g???

Actually here is Obama's latest tweet:

@dingyharry, HeY dUDE, Waat Up...hoW daT DefShit LEgisLAtion hapPPEn'g??? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whirly, you conveniently forgot to include the link!

Gee, I wonder why?
Sa_artman's Avatar
Whirly, you conveniently forgot to include the link!

Gee, I wonder why? Originally Posted by bigtex
He was too busy licking Marshal's cunt. Wait for it...which of the two fucktards will be first to reply...stand up bitches and wave your limp wrists.
The President has all of his Menions tweeting all about how bad the Republicans, Conservatives, and Tea Party are.

This is more of his "appeal to young people" crap. Most of these young people are still living off of the good graces of Mom and Dad, and don't have a clue that the entire Country is heading for finacial ruin.

Of course, these same young people are the same ones that believe if you have checks in a check book, you have money in the bank. Or the best way to take care of a lot of Credit Card Dept is to simply put it all on another Credit Card. Sound familiar?

The shame is, one day, when they are all grown up and actually working for a living, and paying their taxes, they will look back and say "how did we fall for that line of crap".

My generation had the Hippies of San Fransisco, who expounded all of the vitues of free sex, free drugs, free everything. Let's all drop out and groove.

It was a great ride, untill they started starving, and then they either came to their senses, or became street bums.
david1978's Avatar
Only if the idiots in the right would acknowledge that there is two parties and that not everything is their way or no way- maybe we would have a plan/budget.

Saying no to everything got them a few seats in the mid-term elections- They are playing the same game hoping to obtain the same results in 2012. They need to seat their ass down and work, in conjunction with other members of congress, to solve the problems we are facing as a nation. That piece of crap plan they had almost failed to gain enough support (republican support) to pass the house, another way of saying "no participation" in the solution. They are saying: we are just going to put up crappy plans out there and say no to everything the democrats have to offer- when the country goes the down drain they will just blame it on the democrats.

Remember, we are in this mess because of the republicans.

Clueless on how to govern, Obama has nothing to do but tweet from his swivel chair in the oval office, while the House and Senate craft a bill to save the country from default !!! Even Dumb Harry was smart enought to cut Obama out of the process.

He might as well be golfing !!!!!

The guy is a joke. No plan, No budget, clueless !

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Or he could be communicating with his boyfriend to set up a booty-call for later. Heaven forbid a President should have a part in that nonsense.

Just more phony outrage from our idiot friends on the right. Originally Posted by Doofus

Ok..................HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-30-2011, 09:05 AM
The President has all of his Menions tweeting all about how bad the Republicans, Conservatives, and Tea Party are. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Like John Boehner calling Rush Limbaugh to beg for his support for his plan?

The shame is, one day, when they are all grown up and actually working for a living, and paying their taxes, they will look back and say "how did we fall for that line of crap".
Fact: The votes of John Boehner, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and Eric Cantor are exponentially more responsible for the current debt load than the votes and policies of Barack Obama.

Fact: Not only are they all now demanding that Barack Obama pay for their screw ups, they're insisting that before they allow him to do so, he has to give in to their demands.

So yeah, i do suspect that someday, a lot of people will be looking back and saying "how did we fall for that line of crap".
Saying no to everything got them a few seats in the mid-term elections- They are playing the same game hoping to obtain the same results in 2012. Originally Posted by dick1978
The modern conservative take over of the US is underway [started with Goldwater]......we don't need to work with repubs or dims, we only need to defeat them.......soon enough you will STFU and do as we tell you......did you notice how the tea party dictated the direction of this debate?

A few seats? It was a fucking tsunami! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! And it was caused by the Tea Party! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Socialism has failed every time it has been tried....look at Europe and watch what will unfold in the coming years......

Election after election conservatives will take more and more power.....if we can get a collapse now, it will be sooner rather than later when we have total control.....regardless of now or later, a collapse is inevitiable.....you can't have SS, Medicare, Medicaid, Odumbocare, etc. and not collapse the system.....collapse is inevitable, conservative take over is inevitable............
Like John Boehner calling Rush Limbaugh to beg for his support for his plan?

funny how the repubs are begging the conservatives......HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Fact: The votes of John Boehner, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and Eric Cantor are exponentially more responsible for the current debt load than the votes and policies of Barack Obama. HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Fact: Not only are they all now demanding that Barack Obama pay for their screw ups, they're insisting that before they allow him to do so, he has to give in to their demands.

So yeah, i do suspect that someday, a lot of people will be looking back and saying "how did we fall for that line of crap". Originally Posted by Doofus
History says one thing, Doofus says another.........HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I show you Exhibit "A" proving marxist cult drones beliefs are based on feelings and not facts! Jury says, "GUILTY!"......HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Talk about doubling down on stupid! I give you the DOOFUS!

<---Doofus opening his mouth for the delivery of a big cum load!