BDD - Late Night or Early Day is better?

Just curious if going to BDD is better after 10 PM or between 12 PM - 2 PM?
Those are my only two choices for Friday.

Appreciate any info.
12-2. Dayshift talent is top notch and it wont be crowded. After 10 on a Friday is probably the worst time of the week to go if you want any action
@doaker Thanks for the info. That is what I was leaning toward and good to know talent will be there. Can't wait to check it out!
7Zark7's Avatar
Talent last night (Saturday) was low, may have been due to the UFC fight, I'm not sure, but from 9pm-to midnight, it was very low on quality in my opinion.
12-2. Dayshift talent is top notch and it wont be crowded. After 10 on a Friday is probably the worst time of the week to go if you want any action Originally Posted by Doaker
I agree with Doaker, I have my best luck from about 1 - 3, after the lunch crowd has left but before the 6 - 3 shift workers show up. "Management" is usually minimal and not very interested in the activites as well.
1-3 day shift. Usually two old blondes roaming around that are always worth the $. They’re not young but lots of fun.
Always remember

Daytime is Playtime
...Daytime is Playtime Originally Posted by needbbbj

This right here - words to live by.

Sounds like something Logan would say.