LADIES who still use BP

i'm curious...has anyone noticed lately, that you can put up an ad, never get the email to edit/delete, the ad is there, but yet your card isn't charged?

OR even better, they charge the card, send you the email, and then "ad not found"??

I hate using BP. But I really just don't get much traffic from here. I've also noticed, they have messed with my pictures. Which I find strange, because they're barely provocative, much less more than pg rated...
sovanna's Avatar
The probs I had was one pic will be missing, portion of my body paragraph is gone (no big deal). Regardless I keep my ads clean. But now I don't have that prob. Bp is strange.
dearhunter's Avatar
I notice that they are always photoshopping my photos.
I have those issues also ladies! HATE IT! They have really gotten strick these days. I just emailed them the other day. They take my photos down on some ads but leave the same photos up on another ad. They cancelld an ad last week for putting the link to my website up. She said all the usuall,, no nudity no price, no yada yada yada, but I know the rules and I post accordingly. Since the email, they leave the website link up and havn't messed with the photos, until TODAY, I noticed 2 taken off my ad.

I hate using them also, but as Amber said, I don't get enough calls from here so I am still using BP. Try sending them an email Amber and see if it helps.

Good luck ladies! Have a good night!
Super Head 713's Avatar
Bp is scary