Meet & Greets

Do they still occur in KC? Was talking with several gentlemen yesterday from the area and we were throwing around the idea of a m&g.

I remember waaaaaay back when Susan would have hers. I loved the security she offered as far as verified gents & ladies in attendance. Would folks rather have one in a public place or a private home...

Just curious as I intend on having a little soiree when I come in October, wasn't sure if it should be an up for the eccie world or not..

BigMikeinKC's Avatar
There always seems to be interest in one, but it seems everyone is too nervous to attend. I remember reading about a problem in TX with one and I think that started the problem.
I never attended a M&G that Susan hosted, but heard great things about her M&Gs.

The M&Gs that I host are ran pretty much her likes. I'd attend one in KC if the right person were doing the verifying.
I'd attend one in KC if the right person were doing the verifying. Originally Posted by MsElena
I agree. I'd be delighted to attend if you were to have a social, Jazz. That is, if you'd have me!

People seem skittish for a number of reasons, certainly, going back to Houston (although CK still to this day promotes and hosts successful events throughout Texas regularly since HPD's infiltration of the Christmas event a few years ago). However, there were more than one (somewhat informal) gatherings in KCMO that were held at a local 'watering hole' much more recently where LE was not only in attendance, but also was seen to capture license plate information with their high speed trunk mounted camera system, detailing every vehicle within a four or five block radius of the event during the meeting. KC seems to be playing for keeps with M&Gs, using them to build and bolster their database of activity related to this business. This information I am speaking of is verifiable and is a mater of public record in recent proceedings in several prosecutions. Admittedly, LE may claim to not be focusing directly on this endeavor and they may be looking for ancillary felony violations that unfortunately sometimes still accompany the "hobby", but in any instance, it seems risky in many situations to have one's vehicle and license plate recorded and then possibly "viewed" again in a hotel parking lot or at an apartment complex, etc. - and this has happened on both sides of the state line.

That said, however, I have access to a location that is approachable by several different routes, has private, off street parking where vehicles may not be seen without one infringing several hundred feet onto the property, and as it is private property, no one can legally enter the grounds without an invitation, a warrant or sans probable cause. I had been thinking of putting together a little something myself with a few other ladies, perhaps even a recurring event. I like the idea of gentlemen that may be interested in engaging a date with me having the opportunity to meet me socially if they would choose, prior to making a booking. If you'd like more information about this location, I'd be delighted to pass it along to you. Done correctly, these types of meetings should be of little issue and incur minimal risk . . . I have spent quite a lot of time considering how to make everyone as safe as possible even if (when) the information about the meeting were to "leak", which inevitably, it seems it always does. Using the location I have secured, LE would have to place themselves on a public highway blocking the flow of traffic to get any usable data as the location is that isolated. Additionally, as it is not in any incorporated city in the metro, it provides the added protection of being far enough away that budget constraints may prohibit LE's continued interest.


- Jackie
That said, however, I have access to a location that is approachable by several different routes, has private, off street parking where vehicles may not be seen without one infringing several hundred feet onto the property, and as it is private property, no one can legally enter the grounds without an invitation, a warrant or sans probable cause. I had been thinking of putting together a little something myself with a few other ladies, perhaps even a recurring event. I like the idea of gentlemen that may be interested in engaging a date with me having the opportunity to meet me socially if they would choose prior to making a booking. If you'd like more information, I'd be delighted to pass it along to you. Done correctly, these types of meetings should be of little issue . . .

- Jackie Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin

I am very interested in putting something together. Something small (say less than 25). I've found that the large events do tend to attract LE. One thing that seems to work is not revealing the exact location until the day of the event. A broad generalization is given but not the exact place.

As for who attends, screening obviously is a must. I am all in, Jackie & Ms. Elena... It would be fabulous to try to do something with some type of regularity, social settings are a good way for some of the more shy gentlemen to come out and meet us without having to commit to an appointment.

I wouldn't want to conflict with the party in Wichita, that sounds like it will be fun, but I will be in KC the last two weeks of October, perhaps something then?

I am also very interested in doing something in November, perhaps a type of fund raiser that we, as a community, could do for those less fortunate in the KC area. An auction of toys and such that could be donated back for the needy. While the economy has affected us all, there are so many people - non industry - who need help, especially around the holidays.. So, if that interests anyone... perhaps we can put our heads together on that as well.

Sounds absolutely WONDERFUL!

I've had so many great times, had the honor and privilege to meet so many outstanding gentlemen and form what continue to be life-long friendships by attending past gatherings, and I have so many brilliant memories from the M&G's that were regular occurrences in the past here in KC (many of which were organized via one's invitation to, acceptance of, and participation with a private board geared specifically to facilitating such social meetings)! Also, at several gatherings I have attended recently in Nebraska and Iowa, great times there as well - all were amazingly successful. I'm sure this will be the beginning of a super addition to the KC "hobby" scene.

I'm in! - I'll be in touch!


- Jackie
Count me in!!

I'll bring some Mexican food. I know how much Jackie loves my enchilada's.
KenMonk's Avatar
I brought the subject up a while back and I was basically met with scorn about how it was taboo etc. I guess at the time I brought it up something had happened at one not long before. It was like a year or a year and a half ago. Anyways, I always said I would love to attend one as long as a respected individual was hosting it.

The problem with Texas socials has little to nothing to do with KC. I know of the issue, and I have spoken with several regarding it. If you want more info pm or email me, if you are hosting an event I can let you know even more info.

Either way I would like to attend so if it happens I hope to get an invite .
I think many of us who frequent M&G's know of most of the ongoing issues with some of the Texas socials, but if there's something more going on, let us know! I believe the issue Mike was referring to specifically was the HPD Christmas 2009 raid which was unique in many ways . . . That particular well publicized issue was for many, the beginning of the end, so to speak, for a lot of people's interest in attending socials. However, many have since been quite successful.

If you do attend, promise to leave Omar at home? . . . LOL.


- Jackie
I would love an invite as well! Jackie will you vouch for me lol

I will be on my best behavior and leave the butcher knife at lmao
KenMonk's Avatar
I think many of us who frequent M&G's know of most of the ongoing issues with some of the Texas socials, but if there's something more going on, let us know! I believe the issue Mike was referring to specifically was the HPD Christmas 2009 raid which was unique in many ways . . . That particular well publicized issue was for many, the beginning of the end, so to speak, for a lot of people's interest in attending socials. However, many have since been quite successful.

If you do attend, promise to leave Omar at home? . . . LOL.


- Jackie Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin

LOL I promise to leave Omar at home I'm glad people get the joke, if you haven't see the ad the joke comes from.... PM folks. Jackie I'll send you a PM and we can discuss some issues to see if we are on the same page.
Do they still occur in KC? Was talking with several gentlemen yesterday from the area and we were throwing around the idea of a m&g.

I remember waaaaaay back when Susan would have hers. I loved the security she offered as far as verified gents & ladies in attendance. Would folks rather have one in a public place or a private home...

Just curious as I intend on having a little soiree when I come in October, wasn't sure if it should be an up for the eccie world or not..

Jazz Originally Posted by SpanishJewel
Susan had a few great M&G's, was there more than once, great food and drinks. All social no business, Just a great time with all, 1 was on a Super Bowl Sunday. Lots of fun.
I know this may not be a popular idea....but it seems alcohol tends to bring out the worst. for a select group of individuals.

Typically this happens to a small % of attendance...but it always seems that small %, mix with alcohol can result in potential problems

I'm no veteran of M&G's, but I have been to a perhaps my concerns may be unfounded
KenMonk's Avatar
With any social event drinking can be an issue, this would be no different. I would think alcohol would be made available. I've never been to a M&G but most of them take place during a BBQ or some type of dinner/lunch event with drinks and folks talking. It typically starts off with guys talking to ladies they have seen who introduce them to ladies they haven't.

But what do I know...
Not trying to be the "wet blanket" about this, but I feel I should remind everyone about forum guideline #30:

ECCIE does not, in any way, sponsor or represent social events, meet and greets, or similar activities. On occasion, events may be announced here by our members, however, ECCIE is not associated with or responsible for such events. We are not involved with any related aspects, such as guest selection, screening, or hosting. Should members of our volunteer staff choose to participate in such an event, it should be understood that their personal involvement is of their own choice and responsibility, and in no way connected to their duties here on staff. If you are the host of one of these events, we will allow for ONE "announcement" post to inform the membership, which will be immediately locked to prevent further public discussions regarding the event.

So, if an M&G is set up, the person who arranges the M&G will be allowed to make one announcement about the event, then all screening, invitations, requests for invites, etc. will need to take place offline/BCD.