New & need help!

Bfree30's Avatar
Hey everybody! Happy New Years!! I have been saying for the past couple of years that Im going to take this hobby serious, but pus out after hearing all the horrible stories about LEA. Then I learned it's all about how you play. You play reckless you get reckless results. Play safe & you get the BEST results!! Well I have been doing my research & Im ready! Im am fresh off the porch & would love to start playing ASAP! Theres a few things that is kinda holding me back. For one Im a newbie & from what I seen, these lovely ladies are not newbie free! Lol So my first question is (if I can ask this question) How in the hell do I get reference or verified to see a lady I want? I have seen quite a few women I love to see but I read they are screening so have a ref. or be verified. & my second question is why don't a lot of ladies provide to AA men? We love beautiful women too!! I have seen quite a lot of these up & Im not trying to start no race bs so please do not think that. It's just I have never been with a woman of the opposite race & would LOVE TO!! Hopefully I this is the right place for this! Any help will be appreciated!! Continue to play safe out there my friends!
Martyoo7's Avatar
Good morning and happy new year to you sir. Your first question is one that is asked quite often. There are plenty of beautiful ladies here in town that are NEWBIE friendly. Many of them will post that in their showcase, so you'll just have to do a little more research. If they don't post anything about newbies then just call them and ask politely if they are. Another way is to use P411 and work from there. Your second question is about preference. Some of the ladies just choose not to provide to AA men, either for attraction reasons or for safety reasons. I'm not saying that AA men are not safe, it's just an enigma that has been around for a long time. It sucks I know, but it is what it is. So I hope this helps you. Remember, research...stay safe and have fun