The darling of the uninformed.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Talk about self delusions. Hillary actually thinks she helped the situation in the Crimea, Syria, Libya, and Iran. The difference between her failures and Trumps is that she was there and should know better. I know that Russia invaded the Crimea, a lot of people know that but not everyone does. That everyone could include some pretty savvy and powerful people. Why don't we line up the Hollywood elite and give them a quiz. Anyway, a President Trump would have an advisor giving him the current situation about anything going on in the world. Kind of like when they asked George Bush who the president of some piss ant country was, he didn't know but he said he could find someone who did.

Just like when they tried to take away Henry Ford's company for being incompetent. A lawyer put Mr. Ford on the stand and asked him about mechanical physics, he didn't know, he was asked about minute financial matters, he didn't know, he was asked about workers social issues, and he said he didn't know but he said get him a telephone and he'd have experts in the courtroom in 10 minutes that would have all the answers. The judge overruled the family.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I hear you, man. She is the darling of the uniformed and will continue to tell them what ever the want to believe. I would say she is one of the best liars with a straight face but just look at that face and tell me it's straight. I don't thinck so.
LMAO no one wanted to defend Trump.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Can you defend Hillary with her record and relations with Russia? We already know that it's none existent.

Right now Russia and China are have naval exercises in the South China Sea.
Can you defend Hillary with her record and relations with Russia? We already know that it's none existent.

Right now Russia and China are have naval exercises in the South China Sea. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Op wasn't about Hillary, but that is all you can do is deflect.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Op wasn't about Hillary, but that is all you can do is deflect. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Oh spare us the cliché. Hillary is the opposing counter part to the assertions being made about Trump. It's a fair question penis breath..
Oh spare us the cliché. Hillary is the opposing counter part to the assertions being made about Trump. It's a fair question penis breath.. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Hillary, Hillary, Hillary does she give you wood? Or you just obsessed with her? How about a link showing she does not know Putin is in Ukraine if she is a counter to Trump.. Pussy boy.
Donald loves you Eva. He loves the poorly educated.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Keep trying Ivan ..
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hey guys. Go ahead and vote for Drumpf. But show some ganas and defend his behavior without equivocating.

Explain why his attacks on the Khan family are OK. Explain why his "sarcastic" relationship with Putin is OK.

Even if baited, please try and explain why he ALWAYS takes the bait?

Your unwillingness to do so speaks volumes.

HRC is not without her flaws and issues. But the answer to her flaws and issues aren't "look at Drumpf."

Even you are smarter than that.
  • DSK
  • 08-02-2016, 07:20 AM
Hey guys. Go ahead and vote for Drumpf. But show some ganas and defend his behavior without equivocating.

Explain why his attacks on the Khan family are OK. Explain why his "sarcastic" relationship with Putin is OK.

Even if baited, please try and explain why he ALWAYS takes the bait?

Your unwillingness to do so speaks volumes.

HRC is not without her flaws and issues. But the answer to her flaws and issues aren't "look at Drumpf."

Even you are smarter than that. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
If a Gold Star family at an opposing national convention attacks you, are you not able to counterattack?

Hillary is in the exact same boat as Trump insofar as Chelsea didn't die in a war, and Hillary and Bill never served in the military.Under those conditions, she has sacrificed nothing.

As for pro-Trump - he is going to renegotiate the trade deals with multiple countries. He is going to change the status-quo with business and the American government. There are many US businesses who like trade the way it is, so they are attacking Trump.

Our NATO allies love us paying for their defense. Those allies are stoking the anti-Trump fires because he is going to make the bastards pay, and they don't want to pay.

Finally, you would think the election of a black man would have counted for something in this country, but blacks complain now more than ever. Women's right's advocates wail away like never before, even though women have never had it so good in America by a long shot.

If Trump is going to upset the status quo, and the status quo is stacked against your own personal interests, why not vote for the guy who is offering change you can believe in?

Attack Trump's business record all you want, but Forbes has listed him as a billionaire for a long time, and I don't see any buildings all over the world with your name on them.
Donald loves you Eva. He loves the poorly educated. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Keep trying Ivan .. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
LOL, when you got nothing attack the messenger. Fucking Trumpazoids. Keep sucking down the tea.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Can you defend Hillary with her record and relations with Russia? We already know that it's none existent.

Right now Russia and China are have naval exercises in the South China Sea. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
What was wrong with her record with Russia? You should have negatives other than no positives. So she didn't have anything historically great happen under her watch. What was wrong with her watch?

Not naval exercises! Who do they think they are?
Got news for you bud. Pretty much as long as they aren't inside our territorial waters, we have no say. Anyone can exercise in international waters.
Or are you implying they normally don't leave the dock? But now they dare to?

You guys are in for a brutal 4.5 years.
At least that long.