Encounter: Awful time at Behrman

User ID: -
Date: 9/3/22
Name: Tina
Phone: -
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: Gretna
State: -
Address: -
Activities: Lame Massage
Hair Length and Color: Short black
Age: 40s
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Skinny tall asian decent tits
Recommendation: No
that sucks. At that point I woulda just showed her ID. Can't really blame them for that tho. It's risky enough as is.
Raindog115's Avatar
She was leery about me too.
She was leery about me too. Originally Posted by Raindog115
rambone's Avatar
Last time I was there, the doughnut brigade was in the parking lot. Went back a hour later and he was still there. Hope it's nothing but makes me wonder.
Last time I was there, the doughnut brigade was in the parking lot. Went back a hour later and he was still there. Hope it's nothing but makes me wonder. Originally Posted by rambone
There is often one there, you can even see it there on Google maps for some timelines lol. Last time I went there was one there but I still went in anyway. Not sure why it's there, probably just to fuck with people out of boredom.

The fact that the asshole is often parked outside is probably why they are so cautious.
Wow, sorry to hear this. She’s always so nice, gives me a good massage and HE.