Home Security cameras....

London Rayne's Avatar
Can anyone recommend a good comany with indoor, cameras? I want to put a few in my house to see what is going on when I am not there. I do NOT want anyone but me to set them up so it has to be wireless and easy...I can't even get the DVR hooked up alone lol.

What I am looking for are wireless cameras that allow you to view your home on a website like in Day Cares...you can see your child from anywhere and that's how I want to see every room of my home. They don't have to be hidden...I couldn't care less if someone knows they are being watched. I just don't want it to interfere with the alarm system, so wireless is my only option.

I also need an outdoor camera that shows the backyard so I can spy on people trying to use the hot tub when I am away. Alll in all, I would say I need about 5 cameras all with night vision and a way to view them on my lap top when I am touring.

I figured if anyone would know, you guys would. Oh and I don't want to spend freaking 10k either lol. I know there are wired cameras because that's what I have now for the outside, but I can only view them when I am actually "at home." What's the point other than looking like Tony Montana in front my friends lol.
Sa_artman's Avatar

Great prices. Maybe get one for the headboard?
London Rayne's Avatar

Great prices. Maybe get one for the headboard? Originally Posted by Sa_artman
Nice lol. Thanks!

The prices are really great, and I am not concerned about the quality of the footage since I am not making porn or anything. Just want to be able to see if there is any activity when I am away. For less than a grand you just found me an entire system! I owe you one!
discreetgent's Avatar
For less than a grand you just found me an entire system! I owe you one! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Did Sa_artman just get lucky?
London Rayne's Avatar
Only if he moves out of Texas lol.
shorty's Avatar
Why not get them as small as possible and hide them? That way workers, neighbors, friends, and relatives wouldn't know you had them if something should happen and you called them out on it.

Personally, I could think of a better way to use the camera's at Londons house with some of her GF's over for a wild night of fun.
London, just be sure to send me the login info. Thx.
discreetgent's Avatar
Only if he moves out of Texas lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I'm sure for the right incentive he might be willing to travel lol
London Rayne's Avatar
Why not get them as small as possible and hide them? That way workers, neighbors, friends, and relatives wouldn't know you had them if something should happen and you called them out on it.

Personally, I could think of a better way to use the camera's at Londons house with some of her GF's over for a wild night of fun. Originally Posted by shorty
Ha you would just see me yelling, walking around in tube socks, and playing with cats and bunnies! I trust the people I have IN my home, just not what goes on when I am away. It's New Orleans afterall....number one murder rate in the Nation. Maybe I just need more guns.

Charles, hold your breath lol.
shorty's Avatar
London Packing? I can just see you with a gun hidden between the girls if someone tried to get you. In Nola you really need a small semi-automatic machine gun hidden in your purse just in case.
Ha you would just see me yelling, walking around in tube socks, and playing with cats and bunnies! I trust the people I have IN my home, just not what goes on when I am away. It's New Orleans afterall....number on murder rate in the Nation. Maybe I just need more guns. Originally Posted by London Rayne
The video sounds awesome: Seeing London is a treat, no matter the circumsatnces! More Guns is always a good deal. Personally, even though I am an expert marksman, I prefer a shotgun for home defense. Blows 'em backward when they are rushing at you.
Sa_artman's Avatar
I'm sure for the right incentive he might be willing to travel lol Originally Posted by discreetgent
Surprisingly with all the travel I do, LA has never been a point of destination. I just might have to change that . Though I know I won't be sneaking through London's back door
London Rayne's Avatar
Surprisingly with all the travel I do, LA has never been a point of destination. I just might have to change that . Though I know I won't be sneaking through London's back door Originally Posted by Sa_artman
Big guy eh?

Topgun, I do need a shot gun lol!!
Vikki Simone's Avatar
Ooh, thanks for this thread London. I've always thought about buying a home surveillance system. Now I've got something reasonable priced to reference.
London Rayne's Avatar
Sure thing cutie. I ordered the $599 package and await its arrival. With my luck it will get here after I am already gone lol.