This Lab puppy is starting to growl.

Ok, I apologize in advance for the rant , and for posting while pissed off something I try not to do , but here I go

A few months ago I received an email from a web designer. He said he had found my site on Eros, and had redone it to give it a better look, and if I wanted to use it I could pay him $1.200 for the rights, or $800 if I let him use it in his portfolio, and gave him site credit for two years .I really have no interest in hiring a site designer for me doing my own site is a lot like masturbation it gives me a lot of pleasure plus I can do it over, and over again anytime I like.But I did click on the link out of curiosity, and while I personally did not like the design he created what really bothered me was I noticed that he had gone through all of my text, and censored Edward out of most of it along with my most important page where I have links up to some of the local animal rescue groups that I like to volunteer with, and have recommended a donation to in place of a gift..

I emailed him right back, and politely said I was not interested, and told him that I need him to delete the site because I do not want my site to be used as an example of his work. He emailed me to say that the( stepford) site had been deleted and if I ever change my mind to please let him know. Well today I find this on his site.

For those who hate links. I pasted it here ....

Case Studies

Becky's brand image is suffering from an identity crises...
Her most recent photos present a sophisticated, mature, well composed and sensual woman - accentuated by her desire to be dominated by a man's will - and her fantasy bedroom poses drive home the message of submissive sexual energy.
(but...) Her first message to us on her welcome page is that she is NOT a sophisticated woman.
Well then...

Becky's Demo Site

I am really annoyed, because not only did he lie about deleting a site I have no use for, and never asked for in the first place, but he has placed it on his site , and continued to censor my text in the hopes of making me appear less neurotic, and more sophisticated.Now I know I am no Veda ,but my site really does give people a fair idea of who they are going to meet in person. identity crisis , and all lol. If I was unhappy with the amount, or type of clients that I meet I would hire a designer, but luckily this has not been the case.

It seems like as the escort business has grown online, so have many of the bottom feeders who wish to make their living off of us, and for every great web site designer/photographer/advertising site there are 100 wanna bes who must think that escorts are either too stupid or too desperate to recognize an inferior product when we see one.We must be the Bermuda Triangle for all of the bad photographers/ web site designers/marketing experts out there.I can forgive a lack of talent, but do we really have to put up with the unethecal ones as well.

OK end of rant. I feel better now.Thank you for listening

atlcomedy's Avatar
and he might be a complete douchebag...but...

"Becky" is a brand...just like this guy critiques your brand, hundreds of marketing professors/ad agency types/consultants critique Coca-Cola and anything it does relative to its marketing. That he points to your site and states what he thinks you do wrong/what he would change is fair game.

Where he crosses the line is posting the demo site and using your images, etc. (which you own) in a manner you find unsuitable/without your authorization.

The irony is by posting his work here you are advertising for this guy. There is probably a (or more) provider that thinks, "This guy's insights are spot on. Maybe he could clean up my site."

If you know an intellectual property attorney, you might let off some steam in his/her office. The bastard has copyrighted the page (scroll down to the bottom of the page). The pics are clearly yours.

Now, as a practical matter, you may not want to let this kind of case see the inside of a courtroom, but it would be interesting, I think, to see what a specialist would think about it.
macksback's Avatar
your welcome.
Sisyphus's Avatar
That definitely sux! Added to the list of things I don't understand...

- Some individuals insatiable need to mess with others - their person or their work product.

You might try sending one more semi-polite email reminding the little d-bag of what he already agreed to do. If that doesn't get anywhere, follow up with a "take down" letter from your barrister.

Good luck!

He's an arrogant idiot.
Fancy trying to write the welcome page or someone you don't know or haven't met. This is a classic case of him not being able to identify your target market as a result. I actually really like the copy on your welcome page, it resonates as just that, "welcoming" and also forthcoming.
How rude of him to take it upon himself to parent you.
Yuk and another epic fail.

C xxx

If you know an intellectual property attorney, you might let off some steam in his/her office. The bastard has copyrighted the page (scroll down to the bottom of the page). The pics are clearly yours.

Now, as a practical matter, you may not want to let this kind of case see the inside of a courtroom, but it would be interesting, I think, to see what a specialist would think about it. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Thanks for sharing, Becky. These things do happen (I was just placed on yet another advertising site I have no interest in)...can we come up with a paragraph or two of legal jargon?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-20-2010, 08:43 AM
.I can forgive a lack of talent, but do we really have to put up with the unethecal ones as well.

Originally Posted by Becky
Part of life, my dearest Dear.

Figure out a way to male Lemonade and you will quench your thirst for revenge.

OK end of rant. I feel better now.Thank you for listening

Originally Posted by Becky
Rant away if it makes you feel better. You can pull my finger anytime

The irony is by posting his work here you are advertising for this guy. There is probably a (or more) provider that thinks, "This guy's insights are spot on. Maybe he could clean up my site." Originally Posted by atlcomedy
That is very true, but I would hope that they would see many of the legal, as well as ethical lines that he crossed here as a bit of a red flag, but then again maybe not lol.


If you know an intellectual property attorney, you might let off some steam in his/her office. The bastard has copyrighted the page (scroll down to the bottom of the page). The pics are clearly yours.

. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Thank you Charles,I figured he must have crossed a few legal lines as well. I will not bother any attorney's over this. I already blew off most of my steam in my first post, so now I will just send a few politeemails . Until it is down

That definitely sux! Added to the list of things I don't understand...

- Some individuals insatiable need to mess with others - their person or their work product.

! Originally Posted by Sisyphus
Yes, people sure can amaze me sometimes .I wish that someone like that would realize that you can still make good money without having to exploit anyone. I am sure that there are plenty of women out there who would love a free site if he offered one, and he could build his portfolio that way .Instead he practices on someone who never asked, and attempts to bill me $1200 for it. Maybe I should start molesting clients in their sleep, and hand them the bill when they wake up lol.( Sorry I do like my analogy's)


He's an arrogant idiot.
Fancy trying to write the welcome page or someone you don't know or haven't met. This is a classic case of him not being able to identify your target market as a result. I actually really like the copy on your welcome page, it resonates as just that, "welcoming" and also forthcoming.
How rude of him to take it upon himself to parent you.
Yuk and another epic fail.

C xxx Originally Posted by Camille
I agree ,I do get tired of all of the experts out there who think they know better.This is such a personal business, and there really is no right, or wrong way to do things.In this case He is simply going by some of my photos, and does not understand that looking sophisticated, and being are two totally different things. Aside from Edwards removal he actually changed around parts of my text to give me a much more sophisticated image. That would be fine if that were me, but in my case it is terribly misleading .Sometimes our ads, and sites are also about managing expectations. I really do not want anyone to expect a Marlene Dietrich, and have a kinky Doris Day show up instead.

Thanks for sharing, Becky. These things do happen (I was just placed on yet another advertising site I have no interest in)...can we come up with a paragraph or two of legal jargon? Originally Posted by ClairJordan
I wish we could Clair.Many of the Eros wanna be's will take your ad from other places to make it look like they have some business.The one good thing I have found is usually when you email them they will remove it.

Part of life, my dearest Dear.

Figure out a way to male Lemonade and you will quench your thirst for revenge.

Rant away if it makes you feel better. You can pull my finger anytime Originally Posted by WTF
LOL, that is why I posted here .I figured by the time all my steam was gone I could send my friend a pleasant email.

Growling is exhausting, I am going back to wagging.
Sisyphus's Avatar
Yes, people sure can amaze me sometimes .I wish that someone like that would realize that you can still make good money without having to exploit anyone. I am sure that there are plenty of women out there who would love a free site if he offered one, and he could build his portfolio that way .Instead he practices on someone who never asked, and attempts to bill me $1200 for it. Originally Posted by Becky
Some folk are just "broken"...they can't be "fixed" until they realize they are & wish to do so for themselves. Meanwhile, this big ole' wheel keeps on a'turnin' 'round....

You bring up an interesting point though. The d-bag doing this even after you refused his "very fair" either/or biz proposal may be little more than step 2 of a clumsy shake-down effort. Or, just a crank who honestly believes you'll come to realize the value of his work if he just goes ahead & does it anyway. Who knows....

Either way, please do observe the final instructions of the referee and, "...protect yourself at all times." If it turns into a fight, I doubt he'll be observing Marquis of Queensbury rules...

Maybe I should start molesting clients in their sleep, and hand them the bill when they wake up lol.( Sorry I do like my analogy's) Originally Posted by Becky
And that would be bad because???? Sorry....I'm not quite following you here....

In fact, it sounds like a killer idea for a long-weekend-type encounter. Imagine, if you will....

Some lucky bastard awakens...from he thought was the most amazing dream (EVER!)...only to find your invoice on his forehead. He gets to have you chase him around for the balance of the encounter attempting to "collect" great is that???!!!????

NOW, if you'll just ship me $1200, you can use the idea yourself. OR, if you'll allow me to post it on my new website devoted to provider marketing inspiration & advice along with a quote of how successful you've found it to can use it for the bargain price of $800. How win/win is THAT?!?!? much should I put you down for???

Growling is exhausting, I am going back to wagging. Originally Posted by Becky
Might be because it's so out-of-character...too much like work!!
..."an identity crises"...


In addition to all the other issues, it surely seems inadvisable to consider a web designer with such a cavalier attitude toward proofreading.

Or maybe he simply can't spell, or doesn't know the difference between singular and plural forms!
Check out the E! channel. "Little Miss Sunshine" is on. You can thank me later.
Ansley, I'm glad to see you revived that avatar.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-20-2010, 05:05 PM
Or maybe he simply can't spell, or doesn't know the difference between singular and plural forms! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
This thread was supposed to be about web theifs, not me!
Hmmmm. Don't mess with my/our Becky. Grrrrr. Time for a Doberman rather than a Lab (or Edward).

Seems Mister Dirt Ball L'Bleu hides behind GoDaddy and DomainsbyProxy. But those folks do have some rules with copyright infringement too. I wish I were an IP atttorney or I'd be that Doberman protecting Edward and Becky (the nerve of him editing Edward out!!).

Anyone wanna go after him? Here's what the whois gave me:

Domains by Proxy, Inc.
15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
United States

Registered through:, Inc. (
Domain Name: LBLEU.COM
Created on: 07-Mar-07
Expires on: 07-Mar-12
Last Updated on: 22-Sep-10

Administrative Contact:
Private, Registration
Domains by Proxy, Inc.
15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
United States
+1.4806242599 Fax -- +1.4806242598

Technical Contact:
Private, Registration
Domains by Proxy, Inc.
15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
United States
+1.4806242599 Fax -- +1.4806242598

Domain servers in listed order: