Review comments

daty/o's Avatar
We all know that reviews are often infused with testosterone induced rhetoric. And while that obviously increases the "entertainment factor", it does little to assist its readers in making an informed decision. That is not to say that reviews are unimportant; they are very important. I rely heavily on them. As I'm sure many do, including the providers. It takes a little effort, but there is usually, at least some valuable information in all of them. And sometimes, in the fringes.

Second only to the "Men's Powder Room", the 'comment' section of providers reviews is also an area prone to male drama. One learns quickly to be judicious when posting lest he be prepared to draw his own sword. It must make for good reading, especially for providers who are not privy to certain areas of the review itself. Supposedly. But it is about this section that I am curious.

I do not consider myself a "follower". I post comments on reviews for only two reasons. First and foremost, I do it for fellow hobbyists. To acknowledge support for the fact that they went to the trouble of providing updated information about a provider I might be inclined to visit. Or, if I have seen her, to add an additional perspective to other readers, like myself, who may be trying to make a decision about an initial visit. And second, I do it for the provider. Not as a WK and certainly not for personal gain, but in an effort to support girls that I feel deserve the good press. It is, after all, just one more brick in the wall.

So, you're asking yourself, Daty/o, is there a question in our foreseeable future? There is. Guys, do you choose to comment on reviews or not? And why? What are your thoughts about those who do? Do some guys comment so often that they tend to lose credibility? Are the comments useful in the decision making process?

And ladies, since you are able to read comments; how do you feel about them? I'm sure they are entertaining, but are they of any value? There have been discussions about removing them entirely. Would that affect you at all?
Grace Preston's Avatar
For the ladies, the biggest "benefit" that the comments hold tends to be the bump in the visibility of the review. Some ladies have honed this into an artform-- the "ahem" all publicity is good publicity mantra.

For me, the best single benefit is that it is an excellent screening tool. I don't really pay too much attention to how a person posts in Coed-- but I absolutely pay attention to how they post in reviews that they did not write. It is very telling.
Guest113018-1's Avatar
I don't post comments to reviews all that often. If I do it is because I may have had a different experience than the OP. I won't argue about her looks, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but if in my opinion she didn't deliver as advertised in my session I will say so. That's what I look for in the comments.
If a provider has a bunch of yes reviews and only one NO, I look for comments from guys, who for one reason or another did not write a review, say that they had a similar experience.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
OP, my opinion is identical to yours.
What are reviews? I'm lost.
I tend to comment for the following reasons:

1. High fives for reviews that I think are genuine and not BS, especially when truthful reviews could lead to so much drama. Such audacity to "go against the grain", in my opinion, should be rewarded.
2. High fives for good vids and pics!
3. Give insight into a subject matter I may be familiar with in order to help my fellow hobbyists make an informed decision.
4. To unsheath my flaming sword of shining white light and righteousness when I feel that there are certain damsels in distress. I just don't feel like we have enough guys on the board who genuinely care about these ladies. Therefore, I take it upon myself, (think of a knight, the white variety) to fend for the ladies who sleep with me. Because there is something so special when they do it for me as opposed to the remaining population of the guys they bang for $$$. I'm in no way a white knight though, far from it!!!
Laura Lynn's Avatar
For the ladies, the biggest "benefit" that the comments hold tends to be the bump in the visibility of the review. Some ladies have honed this into an artform-- the "ahem" all publicity is good publicity mantra.

For me, the best single benefit is that it is an excellent screening tool. I don't really pay too much attention to how a person posts in Coed-- but I absolutely pay attention to how they post in reviews that they did not write. It is very telling. Originally Posted by GracePreston
Very well said. I've declined a visit or 2 simply based on a gents comments.
Very well said. I've declined a visit or 2 simply based on a gents comments. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
Wise insight! Have you ever thought you might like to see a particular hobbyist based on a singular or cumulative comments on reviews?

+1 Laura Lynn! In addition to asking for and requiring references, I also look at the posts & threads connected to a hobbyist. I have found that you can gain a good bit of insight that way. Possibly not a foolproof method, however it helps.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Wise insight! Have you ever thought you might like to see a particular hobbyist based on a singular or cumulative comments on reviews? Originally Posted by Fawlty
Um no, but I have thought a gent sounds like a really cool or fun guy.
Um no, but I have thought a gent sounds like a really cool or fun guy. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
Thank you Laura, I think you're pretty awesome yourself!

Sorry, I couldn't resist that setup!
I have never understood the negative comments from guys who have never seen a lady or had issues with her.

If you don't like her or find her attractive, why post on a positive review? Your opinion won't change the reviewers opinion of the lady and just makes the Comment Poster look like a jerk.

Also, what's up with the negative comments on how much a guy pays...It's his money. He worked hard to earn it and he can spend it how he likes. Crazy stuff.

Like Laura, I have decided to not see certain people based on their comments.

I think lack of comments would be awesome. Let the review stand as is.
Iaintliein's Avatar
I only comment on reviews of ladies I know, if it is a lady I've photographed I'll usually attach a photo, but only photos I've taken. If it's a lady I've visited several times in the past I might also comment on reliability, being well established etc.
pmdelites's Avatar
...For me, the best single benefit is that it is an excellent screening tool. I don't really pay too much attention to how a person posts in Coed-- but I absolutely pay attention to how they post in reviews that they did not write. It is very telling. Originally Posted by GracePreston
(responding to GracePreston's post) Very well said. I've declined a visit or 2 simply based on a gents comments. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
(responding to Fawlty 's post) Um no, but I have thought a gent sounds like a really cool or fun guy. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
...Like Laura, I have decided to not see certain people based on their comments. Originally Posted by Reese Foster
damn - based on what i've posted on reviews, i am screwed, errr not screwed and will never get to consult w/ these women !!

/humor mode off

actually, i've consulted with each of them and had a deliteful time!!

reading a user's posts, whether on reviews, in coed, or ISO or elsewhere, does give some insight into their thought processes and perhaps their likes/dislikes.

my comments are reviews are usually to give the guy a pat on the back for having such a deliteful time. a few times it's to commiserate w/ the guy for the way-less-than deliteful time.

i aim to be pretty positive in my comments wherever i post them. or to share info and experiences.
doesnt always come out that way, but i do what i can.
if i post negative bullshit or drama, call me out on it.

now, what can i write to get grace, laura, & reese in the same room wth me
  • M69
  • 04-02-2015, 10:24 AM
damn - based on what i've posted on reviews, i am screwed, errr not screwed and will never get to consult w/ these women !!

/humor mode off

actually, i've consulted with each of them and had a deliteful time!!

reading a user's posts, whether on reviews, in coed, or ISO or elsewhere, does give some insight into their thought processes and perhaps their likes/dislikes.

my comments are reviews are usually to give the guy a pat on the back for having such a deliteful time. a few times it's to commiserate w/ the guy for the way-less-than deliteful time.

i aim to be pretty positive in my comments wherever i post them. or to share info and experiences.
doesnt always come out that way, but i do what i can.
if i post negative bullshit or drama, call me out on it.

now, what can i write to get grace, laura, & reese in the same room wth me Originally Posted by pmdelites
You should probably write your obituary cause I don't think you would live through it.