How Many Times Have You Heard "NO" or "NO Thank You?"

Still Looking's Avatar
I have now been "declined" by a provider 5 times. Once by a provider that felt if something went wrong she could not afford the no review. Three because I told them I was bringing a digital scale and I verify all review facts. And one because she worried what her regulars might think.

Share your no stories with us.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Yep, happened to me a few times, guess I hang around with the not so cool kids

avalanche16's Avatar
Never, I just get flat out ignored instead. :'(
Stewie griffen's Avatar
Only once
Whispers's Avatar
For some reason, without ever showing interest, I get a lot of "No"s from old and fat whores here that I would NEVBER even think about seeing...
I don't get indirect rejections; mostly just "ghosting" and misdirection.

I know why that's the norm though, as some dudes with excessive unjustified self esteem go BSC when rejected.
Haven't heard very many "NOs" the last four years; although, I have had a few simply not reply to requests. Most ladies I see in ATX have good TCB and like to see guys that plan out ahead a week or so in advance.

Also, when you send the request, make sure you are polite and courteous, let her know when and for how long you would like to meet, and provide text number, email, or PM handle so she knows how to respond. If a lady says no text or PMs, just email, it only makes sense to contact her initially through email until she provides you with another means to coordinate. Provide valid references when requested.

When the ladies see someone new, they are concerned about "risks" and you should not do things to cause them concerns. Asking for lots of pictures and being a time waster is a sure way to become ignored.
In general I've gotten pretty good TCB from the provider's I've contacted. On occasion, though it would be nice to get some sort of reply (even if just a polite "No Thank You" or "Sorry, no room at the inn"), the radio silence can be frustrating.

We are all busy, just be nice to close the loop.
Still Looking's Avatar
For some reason, without ever showing interest, I get a lot of "No"s from old and fat whores here that I would NEVBER even think about seeing... Originally Posted by Whispers
fun2come's Avatar
I get a good mixture of Ignores, NOs, Please see me, and Home Runs.

I am happy for the No's, saves me money
The ignores are just not worth the trouble, bad TCB
Some of the horny ones I actually see, as usually they agree to my rates which I believe are reasonable
and the Home Runs, shit they are my GTGs.
"Three because I told them I was bringing a digital scale and I verify all review facts"

Holy crap. I'd expect a 90% reject rate on the basis of that alone. Even the girls who are accurate about their weight would probably figure you're going to put them under a microscope.

Originally Posted by Observing

+1... I am in love with this woman!!!
"Three because I told them I was bringing a digital scale and I verify all review facts"

Holy crap. I'd expect a 90% reject rate on the basis of that alone. Even the girls who are accurate about their weight would probably figure you're going to put them under a microscope.

Originally Posted by irishlad
They should ask ol' "Husky" to step on the scale...

I get a good mixture of Ignores, NOs, Please see me, and Home Runs. Originally Posted by fun2come
This....times many. Hate the ignores, don't mind the NOs, love the rest