Photography - Question for the ladies

I have a question for the ladies. When you seek the services of a photographer, what do you look for in that person? Do you stick with a professional photographer or do you go with novice photographers? Do you like to someone that has never been a client? Or do you go with someone that has been a client and may understand the business? Do you go with a male versus a female or the other way around? What are you hoping that the photographer accomplishes with the photo sessions?

Just looking at the photo of various ladies, I’ve seen where the same photographer has been used twice, but NEVER got a smile out of the gal. The poses were great, more Playboy than Hustler, but again, no smile. I always thought the photographer was supposed to pull out of the lady the personality she may not normally show; warmth, exciting, etc. Some photo’s used low budget props and came out great. Some photo’s used high end props and came out lousy.

Wrapping it up, when you go to pay the money for the photo’s, you are hoping they will market you better. Who do you look for and what are you hoping to get?

Well I agree to disagree about your statement when it comes to the "smile" part. I have a photographer who shoots me all the time. I actually perfer him because he knows my every angle and my personality. Me, I smile sometimes but most of the time I have my seductive look! Its not the photographer its the image being captured. Yes, a photographer is supposed to know the person or image he is shooting and mostly everything about it or him/her! It also depends on what kind of shoot the person is going for. If its something seductive and warm then not alot of smiles are going to be presented. if its something a little more fun and sponatneous then you'll capture a great amount of smiles. It as well depends on the setting, moods, and just everything overall. I have shoots where ive smiled and i have lots of shoots where I dont smile or ill smurk. So it all depends.

As far as having male or female, to me it doesn't matter. I perfer Male more though only because Males are usually what I see Vs. Females so having a man behind the lense makes it easier for me to pose and do other things. I also just cant have anyone shoot me. I've been looking for another photographer just to try someone else out & try something new & i've interviewed ALOT of photographers but if I dont have a connection with them right off the bat or after the interview then I wont call them. I also need to see a portfolio, see what kind of eye you have for people and angels as well as if you know how to direct right around lighting, see if you're pictures are blurrry or not.. Im picky but thats because I expect the best when it comes to people taking pictures of people. So that's Just me

As far as pay goes, my photographer allows me to do 1/2 upfront & the rest when he's done & i recieve my pictures. I actually think it should be like that for everyone, because some people say you're going to fget your pictures and you pay somebody and then they dont give you your pictures, so I do half down and the rest when i get my pictures!
When I got my first set done in December I was still really newbie and went to He is very popular in KC and does good work for a low price. I've been very happy with the results (though as you can see from my showcase I have a strict No Face policy).

Tomorrow, I am going to get pics done at Completely different feel, and 3 times as much money. But I think it is worth it. I am again going with a face-free session, although will probably be using bangs to cover or photoshop to blur my face instead of just not having my face in them at all.

I would only EVER use a professional and NEVER a hobbiest. I need to trust that no one is going to have or be distributing those pics without my permission. Plus, photography is one of things that everyone thinks they are really fucking good at and usually aren't lol.
Iaintliein's Avatar
It's a matter of taste. If you look at the classic portraits, both painting and photographs, you will very rarely see a smile.
ben dover's Avatar
Ok I know you asked the ladies but I have to chime in with some of my experiences. I am a pro photographer and have shot everything you could imagine. I have shot playboy models and a few porn stars. Now, in my area..(upstate NY) it's impossible to get paid to shoot providers. There's too many GWC's (guys with cameras) that are willing to shoot a couple lousy shots and the local ladies are just fine with that. Or they take their own photos in a mirror with a camera phone. If you compare the showcases of say...some texas areas and upstate ny, there's no comparison. Ms Fancy and Silly both have some great shots... I do shoot a couple now and then for free but only if they're willing to do a studio shoot or let me bring lights and spend a few hours setting up. All this being said, a huge percntage of the showcase shots are done by amateurs with little or no training. BD
Ok I know you asked the ladies but I have to chime in with some of my experiences. I am a pro photographer and have shot everything you could imagine. I have shot playboy models and a few porn stars. Now, in my area..(upstate NY) it's impossible to get paid to shoot providers. There's too many GWC's (guys with cameras) that are willing to shoot a couple lousy shots and the local ladies are just fine with that. Or they take their own photos in a mirror with a camera phone. If you compare the showcases of say...some texas areas and upstate ny, there's no comparison. Ms Fancy and Silly both have some great shots... I do shoot a couple now and then for free but only if they're willing to do a studio shoot or let me bring lights and spend a few hours setting up. All this being said, a huge percntage of the showcase shots are done by amateurs with little or no training. BD Originally Posted by ben dover
I couldn't agree more BD.. I have a personal photographer but like I said I pay for mine. I am always looking for another 1 though. When I come back to NY maybe we can set something up & discuss more! I love phoitoshoots! Real ones...
Thank you for all the replies so far.

Maybe I need to give a little more explanation on the “smile” comment. To me personally, at least if I see a smile or some other facial expression, other than the “deer in the headlight look”, I know that my time with the provider will be fun, exciting, not boring, etc. Going back to the example where the same professional photographer was used twice, I had a session with the gal between the sets. She was a minx and a half. But in all her photo’s she barely had an expression on her face. The photographer did an outstanding job in getting the poses, but he never captured “her”. She admitted she had an issue when getting in front of the camera. The photographer, I think, did her a disservice. On the other hand, I had a session with a gal from Oregon. Whoever took her photo’s caught her perfectly. What you saw in body and spirit is what you got.

If she reads this, she may kill me, but I forgot her name. There is a gal on this board that I think her photos are great. She has a few kitchen shots where she is in a tight, short white dress, holding open the stove, with an oven mitt. Maybe I haven’t looked at enough photographs, but I have never seen it done before. It had that “message”. I may be over thinking it, but after so many T&A photographs, an original photo has to catch the eye.

ben dover's Avatar
Ms fancy, You just get in touch with me if you get here!
Money tree... Here's another situation... When I do a shoot, they last anywhere from 2-5 hours depending on what the model or client is looking for. I'll get anywhere from 300 to 500 shots and sometimes more. I throw out the junk in camera and burn the rest to a disc. I give them the disc, the model or client picks what they want edited or just sized for web use. I do that and give those to them. At that point I have no control over what they use in their portfolio or online. I have shot some (what I think ) are killer shots for providers and they just don't use them. I have tons of photos of the ladies smiling that i've had to blur out their faces. What you're looking at on here and the ladies sites are what they choose. If you like a ladies photos then give her a pm and just tell her even if you're not looking to set up a session and if you don't like a ladies photos do the same, just be kind about it, it may help promote better photos from all of them...BD
If you like a ladies photos then give her a pm and just tell her even if you're not looking to set up a session... Originally Posted by ben dover
I have been doing that for awhile. It has been recieved positively. As far as bathroom self portraits, Upstate New York isn't the only place they multiply like tribbles.

Ms. Fancy, love your Washington coast photo's. Makes a former Oregon resident want to go back even more.

Sillygirl, I think your best one is where you have your thumb tugging at your lace underwear. At least to me it says "sassy".

All of you have a great day,

I have two photographers.

I pay both with cash. I love their work, they are like night and day. I love variety, one shoots different color backgrounds. Colors, different angles, etc. The other one takes soft pics. Calm pictures.

Both have captured me smiling. I just don't use those.

I have took camera phone pics, just to show something natural. Right now pics, not really my favorite pics.

Both photographers are male.
I have had 2 males shoot my photos and although I want some outdoor shoots there has always been some reason I have been unable to get that done. I don't smile since I know my face or part will be blurred. I must be honest I have never liked my photo being taken so doing a photo shoot always takes me outside my "comfort zone" something I am working on.
  • LynnT
  • 04-23-2011, 10:50 PM

It had that “message”. I may be over thinking it, but after so many T&A photographs, an original photo has to catch the eye. Originally Posted by moneytree2012
Agreed, as my images are not the traditional T&A shots.

You also have to remember 90% dont show a face so smiling is irrelevant for images online. and not everyone is comfortable in front of the camera.. some people are just not photogenic.. many variables here.

A professional website and photos are a must in any business. Some ladies need to stop being cheap and shell out some cash for pro photos.. You claim to be a pro then you should act and look like one. This is a business like any other, its all in the marketing..

Their business will increase, raise rates, and a better class of men will apply. You can even run a mediocre service; if you market yourself properly you will make money still. Steady money.

I do photography, website building, internet marketing, SEO, logos etc.

On a side note I love the ladies that take a mirror shot and whatever room they are in is a nasty mess.. trying to look all hot with your dirty laundry piled on the floor. And they claim they are "classy". Looking for upscale gents.. What upscale gent would want to see a lady with a mirror shot with a mattress, misc junk, and dirty laundry on the floor..?
Again, wanted to thank everyone for the responses so far. Everyone has been polite and friendly. I am very thankful that the ladies listened to my thoughts and were willing to share theirs.
