Trump presidential campaign

VitaMan's Avatar
Has Mr. Trump:

- held any campaign events
- hired a campaign manager
- made any campaign speeches

He did make a big announcement about his trading cards.

What is he up to ?
Has Mr. Trump:

- held any campaign events
- hired a campaign manager
- made any campaign speeches

He did make a big announcement about his trading cards.

What is he up to ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
That's Classified, lol. Anyway what's it too you?
I’m sure the fundraising/grifting emails are going out, that’s what’s important to him.
Without Trump to hate all you have left with is the failures of the current president to discuss and create distractions
Lucas McCain's Avatar
That's the thing though. You'll always have Trump because that narcissistic piece of shit refuses to go away quietly like he should have after 2020.

Trump will continue to make noise so he can scam his idiot followers out of money. Fat boy knows he is not going to win in 2024. But fat boy con man knows that running is an easy cash grab from retards. Can't say I blame him. If they are dumb enough to happily give it, be smart enough to happily take it.
That's the thing though. You'll always have Trump because that narcissistic piece of shit refuses to go away quietly like he should have after 2020.

Trump will continue to make noise so he can scam his idiot followers out of money. Fat boy knows he is not going to win in 2024. But fat boy con man knows that running is an easy cash grab from retards. Can't say I blame him. If they are dumb enough to happily give it, be smart enough to happily take it. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Same could be said for the Biden followers, and the Stacy Abrams followers, and the Beto Orourke followers, and the Bernie Sanders followers, and the (insert name of any democrat that held office and never had a job here)...well you get the idea.
VitaMan's Avatar
Without Trump to hate all you have left with is the failures of the current president to discuss and create distractions Originally Posted by LayingPipe

Every one is waiting for the Republicans to show some backbone and stand up to Mr. Trump.

Until they do that, there is not much else to discuss.
Every one is waiting for the Republicans to show some backbone and stand up to Mr. Trump.

Until they do that, there is not much else to discuss. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Actually I am starting to see where Kevin McCarthy is showing some backbone. He's giving Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell and Illhan Omar the boot from their House Committee Panels. Hopefully there will be more to come.
biomed1's Avatar
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Every one is waiting for the Republicans to show some backbone and stand up to Mr. Trump.

Until they do that, there is not much else to discuss. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Meanwhile the Republican majority in the House of Representatives is moving on with good policies.
biomed1's Avatar
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