Democrat suggests classified docs in Biden's home, office may have been 'planted' after second batch found

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
let's be clear .. Hank Johnson is the third dumbest Democrat ever behind only Sheila Jackson Lee and Maxi Pad Waters. he once wondered if Guam might tip over if everyone stood on one side. yes ... that's how stupid he is.

but then again, Lee once asked about the US flag that was left on Mars. and Waters is too stupid to spell her name. so he only gets third place for his predictable "planted documents" nonsense. this is the lengths the Democrats will go to deflect "BidenGate" scandal.

Democrat suggests classified docs in Biden's home, office may have been 'planted' after second batch found

Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., said he isn't ruling out foul play in the discovery of classified documents found in President Biden's possession, suggesting they could have been planted.

"Alleged classified documents showing up allegedly in the possession of Joseph Biden… I’m suspicious of the timing of it," Johnson told Fox News' Hillary Vaughn on Thursday after a second batch of documents was found in the president's garage in Wilmington, Delaware. "I'm also aware of the fact that things can be planted on people... things can be planted in places and then discovered conveniently. That may be what has occurred here. I'm not ruling that out. But I'm open in terms of the investigation needs to be investigated."

Despite Johnson speculating the documents could have been planted, Biden admitted to Fox News' White House correspondent Peter Doocy that he knew they were in his garage. "So the documents were in a locked garage?" Doocy asked.

"Yes, as well as my Corvette," Biden answered.

the door was locked! Joey said so!! nothing to see here ..

It is doubtful anyone can get near his house, secret service would have it guarded and locked down.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It is doubtful anyone can get near his house, secret service would have it guarded and locked down. Originally Posted by royamcr

you mean just like Mar-A-Lago?

thank you valued poster.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-13-2023, 02:21 AM
you mean just like Mar-A-Lago?

thank you valued poster.

bahahahaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Do you know the difference between a small house an a resort that has thousands of visitors a week? Do you understand the degree of difficulty in guarding one vs the other? Jesus son.

You sound boorish saying such nonsense. No wonder the country is split so...common sense is no longer common.
Do you know the difference between a small house an a resort that has thousands of visitors a week? Do you understand the degree of difficulty in guarding one vs the other? Jesus son.

You sound boorish saying such nonsense. No wonder the country is split so...common sense is no longer common. Originally Posted by WTF
And Biden is current president so security is tight. MarAlagoon and the other sites that had stashes happened 1-2 years after Trump was kicked to the curb. Sure he has a SS detail, but nothing like a sitting president.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-13-2023, 03:15 AM
And Biden is current president so security is tight. MarAlagoon and the other sites that had stashes happened 1-2 years after Trump was kicked to the curb. Sure he has a SS detail, but nothing like a sitting president. Originally Posted by royamcr
If Waco keeps reading he may learn something.

Or he can continue spouting NewsMax talking points.
The coverup is always worst than the crime
The first set of documents were found Nov 2 2022 and AG Garland knew about it The story was hidden from the public just like the laptop.
Lyin Biden wants you to believe the AG never told him
ICU 812's Avatar
So "they" found a second batch and now a third.

Planted? . . .possibly, but by who?

I think the Democrats want to switch out Biden for someone else at the top (but not Harris). I think everyone on the left and right thought the Republicans would really sweep the id terms and Biden would decide not to run in 2024. To accomplish that, I speculate (without any supporting evidence) that VP Harris will soon be replaced. She will experience serious health issue or be involved with an "accident" . . .or something. "They" will then hand-pick and appoint a successor for the VP slot, much as Gerald Ford replaced VP Agnew during the Nixon administration.

With Ms. Harris out of the way, the Special Counsel investigation of who mishandled the documents (and when) will discover cross connections between Hunter Biden and corrupt business deals that ominously point to the witting involvement of President Biden. If he is smart, President Biden will allow himself to be encouraged to step down to avoid a serious scandal that would expose him to charges of genuine bribery at the level of treason.

This scenario, though only speculation, is not fantasy from a Grisham novel. This sort of thing actually happened during the 1970s in the Nixon administration.
its not so much the classified documents themselves stolen by a vice president

even though thats enough for 50 in leavenworth

but i think biden is worried sick about where any decent investigation will lead beyond just the document theft

biden is like hitler in the reichstag bunker in late april 1945, its out of his control and it is only a matter of time

his family crime empire will fall like bonnie and clyde against the BAR of frank hamer
So "they" found a second batch and now a third.

Planted? . . .possibly, but by who?

I think the Democrats want to switch out Biden for someone else at the top (but not Harris). I think everyone on the left and right thought the Republicans would really sweep the id terms and Biden would decide not to run in 2024. To accomplish that, I speculate (without any supporting evidence) that VP Harris will soon be replaced. She will experience serious health issue or be involved with an "accident" . . .or something. "They" will then hand-pick and appoint a successor for the VP slot, much as Gerald Ford replaced VP Agnew during the Nixon administration.

With Ms. Harris out of the way, the Special Counsel investigation of who mishandled the documents (and when) will discover cross connections between Hunter Biden and corrupt business deals that ominously point to the witting involvement of President Biden. If he is smart, President Biden will allow himself to be encouraged to step down to avoid a serious scandal that would expose him to charges of genuine bribery at the level of treason.

This scenario, though only speculation, is not fantasy from a Grisham novel. This sort of thing actually happened during the 1970s in the Nixon administration. Originally Posted by ICU 812
If anything was planted it was done by Obama. He's the only one who would have access to any classified documents. Plus rumor has it he does periodic welfare checks on Biden when he is in Delaware. Jill is never there she's always out Bar Hopping. Biden is going down he's so expendable it isn't funny.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
so, the sleazy geezer has more holes in his pocket.

who knew... prolly obama. lol.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Do you know the difference between a small house an a resort that has thousands of visitors a week? Do you understand the degree of difficulty in guarding one vs the other? Jesus son.

You sound boorish saying such nonsense. No wonder the country is split so...common sense is no longer common. Originally Posted by WTF

Mar-A-Lago is a private club open to members only. guests must be accompanied by members. in addition to secret service who are on premise whenever Trump is present Mar-A-Lago has its own security staff. but you knew that, right?

"thousands" a week? not.

but keep "quick posting" such nonsense it's amusing.

If Waco keeps reading he may learn something.

Or he can continue spouting NewsMax talking points. Originally Posted by WTF

what's newsmax? the article came from ... FOX

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It is doubtful anyone can get near his house, secret service would have it guarded and locked down. Originally Posted by royamcr

No. only when he's there and in office. after 6 months former vice presidents do not have secret service protection. so Joey's house was unguarded for 3 and a half years. i bet he doesn't even set his ADT alarm system, because he can't remember the code!!


Congress passed legislation (H.R. 5938); the “Former Vice President Protection Act of 2008,” which authorized Secret Service protection for former Vice Presidents, their spouses and their children less than 16 years of age for up to six months after the Vice President's term in office has ended

between you and WTF the level of nonsense on this topic is off the charts!!!!

HedonistForever's Avatar
It is doubtful anyone can get near his house, secret service would have it guarded and locked down. Originally Posted by royamcr

We know a film crew was very close to that garage while it was open , they filmed Biden backing in his corvette for some documentary and there in the background, we see boxes with paperwork in them assuming these are the classified documents they found "with my corvette" Biden was quick to add.

Not counting all the "guests" ( Biden has refused to provide a guest list to the home but the Special Council will see it) and family like Hunter that had total access when neither Biden or the Secret Service was there. Was there anybody in that house when the Biden family wasn't there? Who will the Biden family pick to take this fall because if Joe didn't remove and mishandle those files (for a year) before they arrived at the Penn.Biden Center, who did? Does that meet the legal standard of "properly handling classified documents"? I think not.

Where were these files taken when Joe left in Jan. of 2018, and remained until ready to move them to the Penn.Biden Center over a year later when the Center opened and somebody moved those documents AGAIN! Who did that? Did they have the proper clearance to be handling those classified documents? Who moved those files all the while not sharing what they were doing from Joe Biden.

Somebody committed crimes here folks and if not Biden, who? It's funny to listen to the Democrats making comparisons between what Trump did and what Biden did. One may very well be worse than the other but in both cases, the letter of the law on handling classified documents says you must do it in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF)not your home, office and certainly not in your garage even if it is with a neat corvette.

I love the developing conspiracy theory that the Democrats did this to Joe. They set him up to take a fall since he announced he would run again and a majority (likely) of Democrats do not want Joe Biden running in 2024.

So either Joe Biden "directed" those files to the 3 places they were found, thereby mishandling them, or the Democrats, knew they had an ace in the hole to play anytime they wanted and after Joe announced ( against what their plans were) was as good a time as any to move Joe out of the way. Since he can't be indicted and wouldn't be convicted by the Senate in an Impeachment, the Democrats must find a way to make Ole Joe, ineligible to run in 2024, like they are desperately trying to do to Trump with a felony charge over him even if he never got prosecuted, Biden's political career would be over such as it is.

Oh! what a tangled web we weave when first we try to deceive.
so, the sleazy geezer has more holes in his pocket.

who knew... prolly obama. lol. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The Democrats are planning a way to oust Biden. It looks like impeachment is in store for the old bumbling fuck. Biden has become a liability for the Democratic Party. They know they can't win with him so they are dumping him.