Kendra kayy- as per Jessica

Just saw Kendra Kayy`s ad in the west Texas providers' ad section and then a response there from Jessica saying that Kendra Kayy is a thief and robs you..Anyone has any updates or info on this??
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Jessica told me in an email, that Kendra Kay stole a lot of money from her and her car keys after Jessica took Kendra into her house. Jessica has been on boards a long time. I've never seen any alerts or negative info on her.

I'll let everyone make their own decisions, but for me, I'll not consider seeing Kendra.
i apologize if i posted in the wrong place and i do suggest that everyone use their own opinion i am simple tryin to share my experience, i felt if she would do that to me after what i did for her then she would do it to anyone, she is from nebraska and i doubt we may see her here for awhile but u never know, not sure the name she uses there but she cant hide her look, so i just suggest everyone keep an eye out and stay on ur toes with this one, cuz she caught me slippin ...
Thanks Jessica for the update. I had seen her on Friday for a $100 session in Odessa/Midland.. I am so glad now that nothing untoward happened to me at that time . And yes,she said she is going back to Nebraska..Not sure if she is coming back or not.. But sorry Jessica that this happened to you.And we all appreciate your feedback.. Safety is always our first concern .
burkalini's Avatar
Kendra made 2 appts with me and no call no showed both times. Then she said she was very sorry and promised me a discount and made another one. She no showed again. I am a verified hobbiest on both date check and p411 not ugly or fat and have great hygeine. There is no excuse at all for this . Based on these other replies I am getting the picture on her
this is a very old post?????????????????????????? ??????????????????
johnnybax's Avatar
Don't bump threads over 30 days old.