*Berkleighs' West Texas Tour*

berkleigh's Avatar
Okay Well I am leaving from Midland in the morning but over had another great turnout!

AMARILLO was cancelled due to Thunderstorms and TORNADOES....which really sucked BUT I will be back out soon to make it up!

LUBBOCK kicked ass! My first time to work the area and was quite impressed!

MIDLAND...I know I was just here but had to complete the tour and stop off to see me ATF! *muah*

So I will be making this tour quite often and will for sure tell my Texas Traveling Providers to go out this way!

Thanks Guys!
Tex9401's Avatar
Heavy rain in short time, good size-hail, and winds ranging from 55 to over 75 mph. One time, I was driving back to Lubbock on I-27 and three big rigs got blown over......
Tex9401's Avatar
I noticed more of the small towns have getting tornadoes than the cities. Don't forget the high winds have been causing the red flag fire warnings in West Texas.