Getting started

OK guys and gals, I've got an honest question for you.
How do you get started without getting busted?

I'm pretty nervous about CL or BP, cause one wrong step could literally cause ruin to the rest of my life that I've worked pretty hard to build.
I realize that for some, risk is part of the appeal but I'm just looking for some variety without any strings.

I've thought about signing up for P411, but I'm self-employed, so they can't verify me that way, and I don't have any references.
Even the girls that don't use p411 want some reassurances as well, which I fully understand, but this is kinda like the "ol' looking for a first job catch 22". You say you want someone with experience, but how do I get the experience if you won't hire me!

So, what do you suggest?
Find a provider that has reviews, says she's newbie friendly and start a dialogue?
bozo124578's Avatar
Just my two cents, but stay away from CL or BP!! Those are a real shot in the dark, and I mean it's real dark. I'm on P411, and I'm self employed. It took a little time, but they got me verified.
I used P411 and I am self employed also, and they had no problem verifying me. Stay away from cl and bp.
I agree with Bozo & Tang. preferred411 all the way.
And the general consensus is:
I'll fill out a 411 form and see what they have to say.
Thanks for your help guys!