NC/NS What's the best response

snoopdogg's Avatar
In this Hobby
most of us will have our NS
I've always given proper notice, or tried to

What do you do when someone NS?
should i write a long angry post saying how i feel
(especially if this person has a rep for doing this in the past)
or should I
turn the other cheek and say ...hey it was a bad night

I'm annoyed
What's the appropriate recourse?

just lookin for opinions
sixxbach's Avatar
well it sucks man! i had that happen to me pretty recently. i showered, swallowed a blue pill, etc to only get some BS story. then they promised to come and see me the next day (from out of town) and make it up to me. they didnt respond to any of my texts the next day (she told me to text her the time i wanted her here). come to find out im not the only guy she did that to but i have no interest in seeing her ever. and shit, she jacked her rates up too!!!

best advice, dont see her and move on
ManUp's Avatar
  • ManUp
  • 02-10-2010, 10:11 PM
Just move on. It won't help to have the last 'angry' words. Put a note in the locker room so there is a record. Plenty of fishes in the sea, and they are all dispensable.
snoopdogg's Avatar
yeah im only seeing "dependable" girls now
i'd just really love to put her name out there
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Generally speaking and depending on the actual circumstances as well as if it is an actual NCNS...

No need to get all bent about it....although I understand your frustration. Just a simple note in the LR so that the guys can be aware of what happened. This is especially useful for the guys because if there's a pattern of frequent NC/NS's, they can take it into consideration before booking and possibly wasting their time with her. (trend analysis?)
Had this info been available to you, it might have saved you the aggravation. Pay it forward and post a note in the LR.

Cancellations are one thing but a NC/NS's? almost inexcusable. (Notice, I stated, almost because certainly there can be a valid explanation)

In this modern, technological age in which we live, it doesn't take 15 seconds to send a text-msg saying, "Something came up. Can't make it. Sorry". There are only a few instances that I can think of where a NC/NS would be acceptable to me and that being the case--and if true, I'd be more concerned about her than the NC/NS.

I'm not an unreasonable jerk, but, I won't NC/NS a provider and I expect the same courtesy be extended to me. That's not asking for too much.
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
Ask why.......wait for a response......go from there. Things happen.
St.Mateo's Avatar
A four letter word "Next". In the end its best to move on to the next best thing you can do
Whispers's Avatar
"Next" Originally Posted by The Apostle
YUP... Lots of options out there....

Post a quick note in the LR.... Ask her for a response and explanation... Wait a day or two and if she refuses to respond post it in the Alerts section for the rest of the community.....
like everyone says, just move on the next one, no use in beating a dead horse,, if the girl is genuine she will make it up to you if not then again just move on..
bigmarv's Avatar
I usually call my favorite Nite Flirt lady or go visit the always dependable Ruby Palm and her five sisters. Then take the money I saved and spend it on my other favorite hobbies, Fishing and Golf.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
My process is to allow the client up to 24 hrs to contact me w/ an apology/explanation that's reasonable. If they don't, we're done. You don't get another opportunity to schedule an appt & waste my time. I don't NC/NS & expect the same courtesy.

Sorry about your frustration, Snoop... I know it's hard, but put it behind you & move on. Best not to dwell on negative thoughts.

What do you do when someone NS?
should i write a long angry post saying how i feel
(especially if this person has a rep for doing this in the past) Originally Posted by snoopdogg
How can you be so upset if this person has a rep for NS-ing? When there are so many hotties on this board with spectacular reps and great TCB. *shakes head* I just don't get it-even if she looks like a supermodel and has the holy grail of vaginas, what good is all of that if she doesn't show up?

Go with a "tried and true" gal next venture. Peruse the ad and review sections and make a date with the next hottie on your list.
If I were you I would treat a provider how I treat my clients YOU GET ONE TIME!
I agree, move on. Starting a thread on it will more than likely start more drama than you want (these days) Just give up & move around. Lots of fish in the see. This being said, if she did give you advanced notice, try to understand and give her another chance if you feel she deserves it. Just have fun... This hobby should be all about fun and stress relief!
the last 3 ladies (kat, devynn, mzstrarsworld) hit it right on spot!

too much stellar talent out there with exceptional TBC/BCD for any hobbyist to put up with NS's. I don't care how good she looks.

i have been doing this a little bit and i have never nc/ns a client and i expect the same consideration. my motto: i don't yank you around, don't yank me around.

you have one chance. and that should go for the provider as well. i don't understand the idea of letting a lady stand you up and going back for more. if she didn't think enough to show up the first time or to call and make amends and make it right (and i mean really right) then why should you give her another chance.

and i think that if you get stood up by a lady with a past history of doing that, you should have been prepared for her to do it to you. and if she does, i don't see how you can complain too much. don't get me wrong, i don't believe there is ANY excuse for that behavior, like i said b4, too many outstanding ladies to have the attitude that you can conduct bad business form and get away with it. but if you were aware, then you have to share the blame at least in part.

i have been asked about certain ladies who do have this kind of history and i will just state it like it is. she has a rep for nc/ns, but i do hear that IF she actually shows she is a good time and never any BCD complaints. but be prepared for her to stand you up! and if she does, don't cry about it bc you have been fully warned.

i think maybe the LR would be the appropriate place to out her if she hasn't contacted you with an exceptional reason for the NS, if you do it here there is usually a big ol' 'he said, she said' that gets going. just post it as information for the guys to beaware that her rep hasn't changed.

i am sorry that it happened to you, i am sure that you will find other amazing talent in the future that will more than make up for it.