The Verdict is in: Guess Who's The Worst President in US History?

He's from a very red state and he's certainly not my favorite.

Here's the article:

Don't feel bad, Obama's second (in the last 50 years, that is).
Prob the next one......
No taint, no read. Who's with me?
No taint, no read. Who's with me? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Don't tease EKIM about taint ! He has no problem showing his down at the 'holes when he's playing " pumpjack " !
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's close between Bush and Obama for worst President ever, but Hillary will eclipse them both if she's elected.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Harry Truman was dig shit when he left the White House. History sometimes is more forgiving.
goodman0422's Avatar
No taint, no read. Who's with me? Originally Posted by gnadfly
I tend to ignore Sassy's demonstrations of stupidity. But some kind of confirmation about who this person is would garner my attention.

In other words, I second.
It's close between Bush and Obama for worst President ever, but Hillary will eclipse them both if she's elected. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Hillary or Trump, either one Tonto.
Apparently the people responsible for this analysis were born after Jimmy Carter was President.

Many are lulled into forgetting how bad things were under Carter.

How many remember sitting across from a car salesman and being thrilled that he could get you 14 percent rate on your loan. Or wanting to buy a house but couldn't because the same applied to mortgages.

If you had a job, your wages were ate up by MONTHLY increases in inflation.

It was called "stagflation", the worst of all worlds.

Add to the abysmal economic conditions that we were the laughing stock of the world. The big giant stumbling over his own shoe laces. You think Iran is bad now? Remember our utter humiliation at the hands of the Mullahs.

W was bad. Obama is even worse. But in my lifetime, Jimmy Carter is still holding onto #1.
LexusLover's Avatar
Jimmy Carter is still holding onto #1. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Project during DNC: County the number of times Carter is mentioned.

2nd Project: Be on the look out for Monica.
George H. W. Bush came in third, but the two major ones (in the last 50 years) were George W. Bush and Obama.

Who is the Worst?

Which of these do you think is the worst president in the past 50 years?

3% Jimmy Carter
4% Ronald Reagan
65% George W. Bush
19% Barack Obama
1% Richard Nixon
6% George H. W. Bush
0% Bill Clinton
0% Gerald Ford
1% Lyndon Johnson

165838 people have voted in this poll.
LexusLover's Avatar
The only one on there running for re-election is Obaminable..... see Hillary.
Apparently the people responsible for this analysis were born after Jimmy Carter was President.

Many are lulled into forgetting how bad things were under Carter.

How many remember sitting across from a car salesman and being thrilled that he could get you 14 percent rate on your loan. Or wanting to buy a house but couldn't because the same applied to mortgages.

If you had a job, your wages were ate up by MONTHLY increases in inflation.

It was called "stagflation", the worst of all worlds.

Add to the abysmal economic conditions that we were the laughing stock of the world. The big giant stumbling over his own shoe laces. You think Iran is bad now? Remember our utter humiliation at the hands of the Mullahs.

W was bad. Obama is even worse. But in my lifetime, Jimmy Carter is still holding onto #1. Originally Posted by Jackie S
And Carter gave away the Panama canal AND pardoned the draft dodgers.Reckon ole Jimmah Carter is one of Slick Willy's favorite Presidents, right after his own narcissistic self !
LexusLover's Avatar
And Carter gave away the Panama canal AND pardoned the draft dodgers.Reckon ole Jimmah Carter is one of Slick Willy's favorite Presidents, right after his own narcissistic self ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Carter didn't feel "comfortable" looking, so he must have prayed for Bill's soul.

As far as hobbyists go, I guess Bill would be at the top of the list. He did outcalls.
And Carter gave away the Panama canal AND pardoned the draft dodgers.Reckon ole Jimmah Carter is one of Slick Willy's favorite Presidents, right after his own narcissistic self ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Darn, I forgot all about the Panama Canal.

We should have offered Panama Statehood.