new record for Dow Jones

VitaMan's Avatar
All time record high today. Now at 36,938. I suppose some people will argue this is not success.

Approaching a year into the Biden administration.
  • Tiny
  • 01-05-2022, 11:32 AM
All time record high today. Now at 36,938. I suppose some people will argue this is not success.

Approaching a year into the Biden administration. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Sure, I'll argue the other side.

The Dow at 36,938 is nothing. The Venezuela Stock Market Index is up 54,000% since October of 2017!

Now inflation in the USA is nowhere near Venezuelan levels, but the point is similar. When inflation is running 6.8% and short term interest rates are close to 0%, what are you going to do with your money? Put it in stocks, real estate, etc.

The Dow may not be in nosebleed territory, with a P/E of 19.4 on forward earnings, and probably it's discounting future Fed rate increases to an extent, but I don't believe it would be so high if not for high inflation and low interest rates, which at some point are going to have to come back in sync.

So what's the flip side of the asset price inflation reflected in the stock market and the like? Well, increases in prices of goods and services are running higher than wage inflation, so the working man who's not hugely invested in stocks is falling behind. Compare to 2019 when median household income adjusted for inflation showed a big jump.
The mods should merge these worthless thread...when one doesn't see the disaster that is unfolding EVERY day on the American people, that is just a sad comment on the grasp of this Individual has on reality...
tman1847's Avatar
All time record high today. Now at 36,938. I suppose some people will argue this is not success.

Approaching a year into the Biden administration. Originally Posted by VitaMan

I guess that's great except my portfolio has not gained back the money that was lost in November's decline. But it is getting close
bambino's Avatar
JANUARY 5, 2022

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

The Biden Administration's response to COVID is getting worse every day. Joe Biden said, "there is no federal solution" to the pandemic, but he then federalized the distribution of antibodies, and red states are getting the short end of the stick. In my administration, we respected the role of Governors to take care of their own states, and they could request antibodies and therapeutics depending on what they needed. That's the way our Country is supposed to be run.

Now, there's talk by the Biden Administration again about closing schools and even vaccine mandates for school children. This is an outrage, and MAGA nation should rise up and oppose this egregious federal government overreach. The Democrats are so incredibly mandate happy—there is discussion about a vaccine mandate for school kids this year in Detroit and other Democrat-run places.

Our administration did what they said could not be done—vaccines in record time. But we never issued mandates, and I never would! People should be able to choose how they want to govern their own health. The federal government must be reined in and give the people back the freedom to decide whether they want to be vaccinated or not.

Joe Biden said he would never issue mandates, but he did it anyway like so many other things.

Looks like the rich are getting richer.

And hey, we also got a Social Security raise.
bambino's Avatar
Looks like the rich are getting richer.

And hey, we also got a Social Security raise. Originally Posted by Jackie S
But didn’t your Medicare go up too?
bambino's Avatar
VitaMan's Avatar
Very strange posts
bambino's Avatar
Very strange posts Originally Posted by VitaMan
You are. Go back and list all the new stock markets records daily. That will keep you busy. Meanwhile, Joey Bribes is an abject failure.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
VM, probably not the best day for this thread today. The market was pretty brutal.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
VM, probably not the best day for this thread today. The market was pretty brutal. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

lol you'd think he knows that. but he keeps crowing like a rooster every week about the market. my portfolio is down about 5k today. while i never like to see the market drop that's such an insignificant drop to my total it's 0.01 percent of what i have. won't be taking any steak off my plate.
  • Tiny
  • 01-05-2022, 07:54 PM
lol you'd think he knows that. but he keeps crowing like a rooster every week about the market. my portfolio is down about 5k today. while i never like to see the market drop that's such an insignificant drop to my total it's 0.01 percent of what i have. won't be taking any steak off my plate. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Way to go Waco! You've built up a $50 million portfolio.

5,000 / .0001 = $50,000,000
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Way to go Waco! You've built up a $50 million portfolio.

5,000 / .0001 = $50,000,000 Originally Posted by Tiny

you are off by a couple decimal points sport

i said 0.01 and i rounded that up .. it was really 0.006
  • Tiny
  • 01-05-2022, 08:04 PM
you are off by a couple decimal points sport

i said 0.01 Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You said 0.01 percent. And 0.01% of $50,000,000 is $5,000. If I'm "off by a couple of decimal points," then you should have written one percent, not .01 percent.

Unless your portfolio is worth $5 billion, in which case you should have written .0001%. That would be two decimal places off too.