RIP Steve Jobs...

The G.O.A.T's Avatar

I won't cry... I said I won't do it...
Wakeup's Avatar
It's just dusty in here...
ed3452's Avatar
W Life may or may not suck;
The god damn truth,
all your money will buy you is a bit more time here.
If you were a sorry fuck in life you are probably a sorry fuck in death

Forrest Law's Avatar
You beat me to it.

I was about to create a thread on this matter.

A sad day indeed. Cancer is a bitch.

Steve Jobs was a genius.

Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 10-05-2011, 08:51 PM
I was really hoping he would surprise us all yesterday and introduce the new I-phone 5...I was disappointed on both fronts....damn RIP Steve, I have every Apple product you've come out with....
Italia DiBella's Avatar
Sad that he had to pass away like that
He's not in pain anymore, he was suffering
CivilBarrister's Avatar
R.I.P. One of the few who will be missed on a global basis.
Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 10-05-2011, 09:51 PM
not an apple fan by any stretch of the imagination however I do appreciate the actual contributions that he made while he was here and hopefully innovations will continue to come from the fruits of his labors for many years to come
DarthMaul's Avatar
R.I.P. Steve Jobs...Thanks for your innovative thinking, thinking outside of the box, thinking toward the future and thanks for making home computing and every day adventure.

Now I have to get that MacBook Pro!! Satin, I didn't know you were a MacHead!??

Jack Flash's Avatar
I own no apple products, however it is a sad day anytime a genius dies at 56 years old. Its because of Steve that the android was created as competition and it rocks.

Apple has always been a superior product. Started out on Mac's back in the 80's, after getting tired of MS-DOS and having to type commands in the command prompt. Macs had a mouse, GUI, icons. It was the computer to use..........Then suddenly, windows came out....with a mouse, GUI,,,Icons.....and everyone thought it was B.Gates idea all along.........The Power of UNIX will always trump the power of matter how fancy you make the regardless of the version.
Super Head 713's Avatar
The world lost a man who saw the planet without boundaries on innovation. He and his company made things that enriched our lives, added fun to the world and drove other companies to strive to be their best.

I own no Mac products but being a technologist for 26 years I always respected him simply because he followed his dream
Smoke2nd's Avatar
I learned of his passing on a device that he invented.
DallasRain's Avatar
he was a powerful guy--RIP!