Need a little strap on advice

Good one's Avatar
I have a session booked for Tuesday morning. I have had some prostate play before, but this will be my first session with a strap on. Any advice on how to prepare?
DallasRain's Avatar
Ms. Athena's Avatar
You will need to do your prep work prior to strap on play as per your providers wishes. I prefer and enema the night before and the morning of if they are able. And always a good cleaning right before play. You can use a warm water enema, no needs for Fleets as this can cause cramping a lead to accidents. Make sure she starts off with a small dong and you can work you way larger if you choose. PLENTY of a GOOD ANAL LUBE. I prefer H2O Anal Lube myself. As it is your first time, I would want YOU to control the pace and depth of play, so maybe have you doing CG or RCG, or her sitting and you backing that thing up. With strap ons we can not feel the depth we are going so there MUST be a open dialog to prevent any issues. Have fun and enjoy!!!
Good one's Avatar
Thanks for the advice. The enema is not going to be possible because the SO may get suspicious. Any suggestios on my diet the day before?
The Big Kahuna's Avatar
Thanks for the advice. The enema is not going to be possible because the SO may get suspicious. Any suggestios on my diet the day before? Originally Posted by Good one
2 bran muffins and a double espresso the night'll clean the pipes out. Then a quick flush in the morning you'll be good to go. Allow an hour or so after the flush to allow any extra water to absorb.

Have fun!!!
  • Blaze
  • 03-23-2012, 02:18 PM
I also suggest finger play to get you loosened up a bit.
cumalot's Avatar
The enema is not going to be possible because the SO may get suspicious. Originally Posted by Good one
If you have a half bath or another bathroom it's possible that's where I do it and she is none the wiser, do it before she gets for me...
A water enema isn't possible with married men, so, I always use Fleet enemas...$1.35 at the store, and I use 2 to make sure there are no residual "cling-ons."

There is no "special diet" necessary.

I could do this in my
The Slut's Avatar
If you have a half bath or another bathroom it's possible that's where I do it and she is none the wiser, do it before she gets for me... Originally Posted by cumalot
This strategy usually works well for me if I am not alone.
Shackle's Avatar
All this talk of strapon play reminds me it has been too long since I have seen my Mistress.
cumalot's Avatar
All this talk of strapon play reminds me it has been too long since I have seen my Mistress. Originally Posted by Shackle
Shackle it's not nice to keep the Mistress waiting....Just Sayin
Satyrrical's Avatar
Any sort of anal pleasure requires practice beforehand unless you are into it FOR pain. If you are after the pain, power to you and amen. I enjoy prostate play quite a lot. And I have done the strap on thing as well on occasion. For me to enjoy butt play fully, I have to keep the ass muscles in shape with consistent solo toy play. Sphincter muscles are just that, muscles. If you try to stretch them past their limits, they will let you know. A few minutes stretching in preparation immediately prior to a significant incursion might be enough for some, butt it is best to work the area regularly.
whitechocolate's Avatar
Satyrrical is correct that anal sphincter relaxation is very important. There are two anal sphincters- an inner and outer. What needs to be done is the provider should massage both those sphincters for about 10 minutes with lots of lube like a regular massage to get the blood flowing into them and allow them to stretch and then relax. You can do some of that on your own days ahead but the provider should prime you for at least 10 minutes. Once you are seasoned for anal, you can relax those muscles in a matter of seconds as providers are good at doing. If you dont relax those muscles, they will go into spasm and you will have lots of pain.
I had a session on Saturday with someone.
Soft talking, special breathing, LUBE<LUBE<LUBE,
softly strumming anal glands and prostate, and slow erotic in and out gentle penetration and a soft kiss on his lower back .
Ive found the best beginner position for strap on is with the receiver laying face down on a firm surface with his knees on the floor. This allows you to relax your lower body muscles completely. If you are in K9 position you will tend to tense up your muscles to counteract the thrusts of the giver.

There is no script though. You will have to see what your provider does. Hopefully she is experienced. Ask her to start slow, make sure YOU verbalize and have lots of lube on hand. And have FUN, you will love it