Spumoni... Neapolitan...

Monk Rasputin's Avatar

My two very Adorable, very carnal lovelies and I enjoyed each other’s company until “we were wonderfully spent.” For discretion’s sake I will avoid details of our tryst, except to say that we used two strap-ons, a double-headed dildo, and a set of steel handcuffs. For me, it was like a meeting of the United Nations general assembly. Russian, French, Italian, Polish… everyone was there. And everything was double this, double that. Here is a selection of photos that will give you a taste... a sweet and salty taste...

How did it taste? Was it Spumoni? Or Neapolitan? Whatever it was, it was very sweet and very creamy. We did cover the spectrum of vanilla white, Latina cafe au lait, and chocolate brown. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.

I'm a lucky geezer.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
You're also a wonderful photographer and procurer of gorgeous women!

Very nice reading and visuals on a lazy Sunday afternoon!

DallasRain's Avatar
damn those pics are friggin HOT!
Shackle's Avatar
damn those pics are friggin HOT! Originally Posted by DallasRain
I also agree those pictures are very hot and can only imagine the debauchery that was associated with the encounter.

DallasRain's Avatar
I would love to be part of that!
soxfan's Avatar
very sexy
Incredible! Thanks for sharing.
Who's Your Daddy's Avatar
Sweet Sir Monk.....can't wait for the follow up photos
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
You mean to say that those weren't enough for you?
The Slut's Avatar
You can never have enough hot photos.
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
I also agree those pictures are very hot and can only imagine the debauchery that was associated with the encounter. Originally Posted by Shackle
Shackle, you have a dirty mind. Just like mine.

You can never have enough hot photos. Originally Posted by The Slut
Slut (what a perfect stage name!), here are a few more. A treat from the Easter Bunny and me.

(The last photo is the three of us. POV I think it's called.)


Rogue_Gent's Avatar
Now that was a sin that St. Peter will mark with a stickie on his leger page.
awl4knot's Avatar
Monk, back in the double saddle again. Good stuff, my friend.