Venezuela shuts schools, businesses as blackout enters second day

  • oeb11
  • 03-08-2019, 10:35 AM
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela shut schools and suspended working hours on Friday after the capital Caracas and other major cities awoke without electricity for a second day due to a problem that struck the South American country's main hydroelectric plant.

Much of Venezuela had no electricity since Thursday afternoon due to problems at the Guri dam plant, in a long blackout that affected the telephone network and the metro service in Caracas.
President Nicolas Maduro "has suspended classes and the working day today in order to facilitate the efforts for the recovery of electric service in the country," wrote Vice President Delcy Rodríguez on her Twitter account.
On Thursday, the Minister of Electric Energy Luis Motta Domínguez attributed the difficulties at the hydroelectric plant to "sabotage", without providing further details.
Power cuts have become frequent in the OPEC member nation, which has suffered five years of deep recession and hyperinflation that has eroded the quality of public services.
In Caracas, scores of people walked through the streets early in the morning due to the closure of the metro, while others took the few buses that were circulating. Many had not realized the workday had been suspended because they were unable to watch television or listen to the news.
"This is a severe problem. It is not just any blackout," said Luis Martinez, a 53-year-old walking to work in eastern Caracas.
Reuters witnesses could only corroborate that there was light in Puerto Ordaz, a city on Venezuela's southern border with Brazil.
Venezuela has been mired in a political crisis since January, when opposition leader Juan Guaidó proclaimed himself interim president invoking the Constitution.
He has been recognized by the United States and dozens of countries, which say that Maduro's reelection last year was fraudulent.
Maduro, meanwhile, says that Guaidó is a "puppet" of Washington, whom he accuses of wanting to remove him from power to seize the oil wealth of Venezuela.
At the Domingo Luciani public hospital in eastern Caracas power was kept on by an emergency generator, according to an employee cleaning the hospital.
"It's the first time we have gone a day and a night without power," said Elcida Pérez, 45.

Maduro Socialism Results - as propped up by the Cubans, Russians, and Chinese. with Maduro's daughter the richest person in Venezuela. And supported by AOC, Omar, Tlaib, Pelosi, Schumer, and the DPST's.

This is the precious DPST "Socialism".

No food, medical care, electricity, toilet paper, and the list goes on. Socialist Heaven in Venezuela. Millions of people fleeing the country. Once one of the richest and most prosperous countries in the world.

The DPST's are too blind to see the results of the religious/political Ideology!!
I will go ahead and state the usual DPST reply -Fake news, nazi, racist, YDKYS. Yeah, right!!! Combined with lies, denial, and Obfuscation. Thank You for Your contributions - DPST's!!!!
themystic's Avatar
Explain something to me oeb. How in the fuck is Venezuelans problems tied to the Democratic Party in the US? If there is some major fucking problem look at the Nazi in the White House. You need to wake the fuck up
bambino's Avatar
Explain something to me oeb. How in the fuck is Venezuelans problems tied to the Democratic Party in the US? If there is some major fucking problem look at the Nazi in the White House. You need to wake the fuck up Originally Posted by themystic
The Nazis are clearly in the Democratic Party. Including you. You obviously don’t know your stuff.
Danielle Silver's Avatar
Lmao.. Socialism rules, in only 7 years you can destroy an entire country...
i'm sure its not socialism's fault

its just socialism hasn't been tried right yet
bambino's Avatar
Lmao.. Socialism rules, in only 7 years you can destroy an entire country... Originally Posted by Danielle Silver
One wonders why it took them so long.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You folks are playing Trump’s word games. He’s desperately blowing his dog whistles.

Meanwhile, take a look at this link.

How many of these countries have disintegrated since 2012?
I B Hankering's Avatar
You folks are playing Trump’s word games. He’s desperately blowing his dog whistles.

Meanwhile, take a look at this link.

How many of these countries have disintegrated since 2012? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Clean the lib-retard shit out of your ears that you are told to believe and you wouldn't be hearing "dog whistles".
bamscram's Avatar
The rabid right has their lips so firmly glued to Trump's ass, is why they have a shitty outlook.
themystic's Avatar
Clean the lib-retard shit out of your ears that you are told to believe and you wouldn't be hearing "dog whistles". Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Did you go to Venezuela when you and Nathan Phillips served together in the military IB?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Did you go to Venezuela when you and Nathan Phillips served together in the military IB? Originally Posted by themystic
Nathan Philips was never around. There were Venezuelan women working in Panama while I was there, but you wouldn't know that because like your fellow dim-retard, Nathan Philips, you shirked your responsibilities as a contributing citizen.
Explain something to me oeb. How in the fuck is Venezuelans problems tied to the Democratic Party in the US? I Originally Posted by themystic
Probably deductive reasoning.

Democrats love Socialist and Communist. So they idolize Maduro and his Sicialist Paradise.
bamscram's Avatar
Probably deductive reasoning.

Democrats love Socialist and Communist. So they idolize Maduro and his Sicialist Paradise. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Venezuela is INCHES away from achieving the Soylent Green New Deal!

Go Maduro! Go AOC! Go Obama! Go Omar! Go! Go! GO!

Throw yourselves on the Unicorn Horn!

Hotrod511's Avatar
Link? Originally Posted by bamscram
here's your link Lenny