I would wager a cold Bud Light that nobody in this thread has a wife near or over 50 who would win in a bikini contest vs the former first lady.
Pardon me for not seeing humor in trying to gay shame someone I don't see a person as less than human because they have a different sexuality or gender identity than mine.
I am also not threatened by strong women. I don't agree with her politically but Mrs Obama does not rank high like Hilary does on my Dem d-bag list for sure
Not sure why some posters insist on posting a thread about moochelles ass and discussing it?
Moochelle is a dude. I don't care to see pictures of that. But I support true free speech
Seems you are also enjoying the gay shame aspect of the OP but on the 'stunning figure' I would ask is Mrs Obama not in the top 10% of women over 55 with respect to figure? I sure don't see many women her age looking much better.