Predictable. Only a matter of time. And coming to a city near you !

Houston, a city run by progressives, is waging it's war against freedom of speech, religious liberties, the 1st amendment, and the Constitution.
"...Earlier this year, Houston’s City Council voted on non-discrimination legislation that provides equal protection to the entire swath of the BLTGCZQDLMAO alphabet silliness. In short, if a guy decides he’s a girl and wants to go hang out in the girl’s bathroom, it is a-okay in Houston, or it would be except the law will not be enforced pending a court challenge.

And that gets us to the craziness. The Mayor of Houston and her legal eagles have decided to subpoena pastors and other religious leaders who have spoken out against the insanity. The subpoenas demand the pastors turn over “all speeches, presentations, or sermons related to [the legislation, the Petition [to repeal it], Mayor Annise Parker, homosexuality, or gender identity prepared by, delivered by, revised by, or approved by you or in your possession.”
It's how liberals roll = silence those they disagree with.
Didn't see the prior JackieS thread on same topic:

go here:
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Just ask the mod to delete the redundant thread, Whir-LIE-turd. Or maybe just change your stupid fucking headline to: I DONT CARE WHAT OTHERS POST. LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT MEEEEE!

In fact, that should be a temp,ate for your future screaming headlines.
I don't think mods can "delete" threads....but JCM can close this thread if he chooses.

Or you could just keep bumping it to deflect from JackieS's thread which I directed others to.

"Look at Me" is what your 21,000 posts (and climbing) are all about.